编辑: admin 2017-26-06
A mental disorder or mental illness is a psychological or behavioral pattern associated with distress or disability that occurs in an individual and is not a part of normal development or culture.The recognition and understanding of mental health conditions has changed over time and across cultures,and there are still variations in the definition,assessment,and classification of mental disorders,although standard guideline criteria are widely accepted.疾病的英语作文:逆火学习站的皮旨岗同学的作业题:《一篇有关疾病的英文.急求一篇有关疾病的英语作文....》解题思路
Currently,mental disorders are conceptualized as disorders of brain circuits likely caused by developmental processes shaped by a complex interplay of genetics and experience.[1] In other words,the genetics of mental illness may really be the genetics of brain development,with different outcomes possible,depending on the biological and environmental context.[1]疾病的英语作文:逆火学习站的皮旨岗同学的作业题:《一篇有关疾病的英文.急求一篇有关疾病的英语作文....》解题思路
Over a third of people in most countries report meeting criteria for the major categories at some point in their life.The causes are often explained in terms of a diathesis-stress model and biopsychosocial model.Services are based in psychiatric hospitals or in the community.Diagnoses are made by psychiatrists or clinical psychologists using various methods,often relying on observation and questioning in interviews.Treatments are provided by various mental health professionals.疾病的英语作文:逆火学习站的皮旨岗同学的作业题:《一篇有关疾病的英文.急求一篇有关疾病的英语作文....》解题思路
Psychotherapy and psychiatric medication are two major treatment options as are social interventions,peer support and self-help.In some cases there may be involuntary detention and involuntary treatment where legislation allows.Stigma and discrimination add to the suffering associated with the disorders,and have led to various social movements campaign for change.Most recently,the field of Global Mental Health has emerged,which has been defined as 'the area of study,research and practice that places a priority on improving mental health and achieving equity in mental health for all people worldwide'.互助这道作业题的同学还参与了下面的作业题
题1: 有关日常见疾病英文单词比如:cold啊那些发烧啊,头痛啊,等等……
Disease 疾病 anemia,anaemia 贫血 angina pectoris 心绞痛 appendicitis 阑尾炎 arthritis 关节炎 bronchitis 支气管炎 cancer 癌 catarrh 卡他,粘膜炎 chicken pox,varicella 水痘 cholera 霍乱 cold 感冒,伤风,着凉 (head) cold 患感冒 diabetes 糖尿病 diphtheria 白喉 eczema 湿疹 epilepsy 癫痫 erysipelas 丹毒 gangrene 坏疽 German measles,rubella 风疹 gout 痛风 headache 头痛 hemiplegy,hemiplegia 偏瘫,半身不遂 interus,jaundice 黄疸 indigestion 消化不良 influenza,flu 流感 insanity 精神病 leukemia 白血病 malaria 疟疾 malnutrition 营养不良 Malta fever 马耳他热,波状热 measles 麻疹 migraine,splitting headache 偏头痛 miocardial infarction 心肌梗塞 mumps 流行性腮腺炎neuralgia 神经痛 neurasthenia 神经衰弱 paralysis 麻痹 peritonitis 腹膜炎 pharyngitis 咽炎 phtisis 痨病,肺结核 pneumonia 肺炎 poliomyelitis 脊髓灰质炎 rabies 狂犬病 rheumatism 风湿病 rickets,rachitis 佝偻病 scabies,itch 疥疮 scarlet fever 猩红热 sciatica 坐骨神经痛 sclerosis 硬化 septicemia,septicaemia 败血病 sinusitis 窦炎 smallpox 天花 swamp fever 沼地热 syncope 晕厥 syphilis 梅毒 tetanus 破伤风 thrombosis 血栓形成 torticollis,stiff neck 斜颈 tuberculosis 结核病 tumour 瘤 (美作:tumor) typhus 斑疹伤寒 urticaria,hives 荨麻疹 whooping cough 百日咳疾病的英语作文:逆火学习站的皮旨岗同学的作业题:《一篇有关疾病的英文.急求一篇有关疾病的英语作文....》解题思路
yellow fever 黄热病题2: 关于常见疾病的英文单词
flu流感题3: 因为他的病.英文怎么读?[英语科目]
because of his illness题4: 有病的英文怎么说
ill或者sick题5: 这篇英文有病句么?[英语科目]
用词错误、搭配不当、语法问题等不少,在尊重原意的基础上,我帮你重新写了一下,供参考:(因为题目是I like reading,所以原文中写其他人的那两句删掉了)疾病的英语作文:逆火学习站的皮旨岗同学的作业题:《一篇有关疾病的英文.急求一篇有关疾病的英语作文....》解题思路
Today,reading has filled student's daily life.Reading can expand our knowledge and make us wiser.I like reading,because it can not only broaden my eyes,but it also makes my mind clean.So I think that reading is an important part of study.疾病的英语作文:逆火学习站的皮旨岗同学的作业题:《一篇有关疾病的英文.急求一篇有关疾病的英语作文....》解题思路
I like reading books about 【那是个什么单词看不清】,If someone asks me why,I will say,"Look up at the sky at night,you will find the answer.疾病的英语作文:逆火学习站的皮旨岗同学的作业题:《一篇有关疾病的英文.急求一篇有关疾病的英语作文....》解题思路
Once I open a book,there are so many pictures and articles about 【】 that I always forget to eat and sleep unless my mother reminds me of the time.疾病的英语作文:逆火学习站(img1.72589.com)的皮旨岗同学的作业题:《一篇有关疾病的英文.急求一篇有关疾病的英语作文....》解题思路