【被污染的空气用英文写】空气受到了污染 英文怎么说_英语_苦也不太差°攤
编辑: admin 2017-15-06
The air is polluted.
题1: 【污染空气用英语怎么说】[英语科目]
Air pollution
题2: 我们应该阻止他们污染空气用英语怎么说?[英语科目]
We should stop them from polluting the air.
题3: 英语翻译人工的,[英语科目]
The air and water are als polluted.
题4: 对于我们来说污染空气是不好的(英文)[英语科目]
It is not good for us to pollute the air.
题5: 污染用英文怎么说?[英语科目]
contaminate; poison; pollution; vitiation; pollute; discolor; taint; foul; smut; dirtiness; impureness; polluting; pollution hazard; tainture; contamination; ...