
编辑: admin           2017-17-02         














































    secret 秘密

    selience 沉默

    sea 海

    see 看



    sabotage - v. to damage or destroy as an act against an organization or nation ("The rebels sabotaged the railroad.")

    sacrifice - v. to do without something or to suffer a loss for a belief, idea, goal or another person

    sad - ad. not happy

    safe - ad. away from harm or danger

    sail - v. to travel by boat or ship

    sailor - n. a person involved in sailing a boat or ship

    salt - n. a white substance found in sea water and in the ground, used to affect the taste of food

    same - ad. not different; not changed; like another or others

    sand - n. extremely small pieces of crushed rock found in large amounts in deserts and on coasts

    satellite - n. a small object in space that moves around a larger object; an object placed in orbit around the earth

    satisfy - v. to give or provide what is desired, needed or demanded

    save - v. to make safe; to remove from harm; to keep for future use

    say - v. to speak; to express in words

    school - n. a place for education; a place where people go to learn

    science - n. the study of nature and the actions of natural things, and the knowledge gained about them

    sea - n. a large area of salt water, usually part of an ocean

    search - v. to look for carefully

    season - n. one of the four periods of the year that is based on the earth's position toward the sun (spring, summer, autumn, winter); a period of time based on different weather conditions ("dry season", "rainy season"); a period during the year when something usually happens ("baseball season")

    seat - n. a thing to sit on; a place to sit or the right to sit there ("a seat in parliament")

    second - ad. the one that comes after the first

    secret - n. something known only to a few and kept from general knowledge; ad. hidden from others; known only to a few

    security - n. freedom from danger or harm; protection; measures necessary to protect a person or place ("Security was increased in the city.")

    see - v. to know or sense through the eyes; to understand or know

    seed - n. the part of a plant from which new plants grow

    seek - v. to search for ("They are seeking a cure for cancer."); to try to get ("She is seeking election to public office."); to plan to do ("Electric power companies are seeking to reduce their use of coal.")

    seem - v. to appear to be ("She seems to be in good health.")

    seize - v. to take quickly by force; to take control of quickly; to arrest

    self X - n. all that which makes one person different from others

    sell - v. to give something in exchange for money

    Senate - n. the smaller of the two groups in the governments of some countries, such as in the United States Congress

    send - v. to cause to go; to permit to go; to cause to be carried, taken or directed to or away from a place

    sense - v. to come to know about by feeling, believing or understanding; n. any of the abilities to see, hear, taste, smell or feel

    sentence - v. to declare the punishment for a crime; n. the punishment for a crime

    separate - v. to set or keep people, things or ideas away from or independent from others; ad. not together or connected; different

    series - n. a number of similar things or events that follow one after another in time, position or order

    serious - ad. important; needing careful consideration; dangerous

    serve - v. to work as an official; to be employed by the government; to assist or help

    service - n. an organization or system that provides something for the public ("Schools and roads are services paid for by taxes."); a job that an organization or business can do for money; military organizations such as an army, navy or air force; a religious ceremony

    set - v. to put in place or position; to establish a time, price or limit

    settle - v. to end (a dispute); to agree about (a problem); to make a home in a new place

    several - ad. three or more, but not many

    severe - ad. not gentle; causing much pain, sadness or damage

    sex - n. either the male or female group into which all people and animals are divided because of their actions in producing young; the physical activity by which humans and animals can produce young

    shake - v. to move or cause to move in short, quick movements

    shape - v. to give form to; n. the form of something, especially how it looks

    share - v. to give part of something to another or others; n. a part belonging to, given to or owned by a single person or a group; any one of the equal parts of ownership of a business or company

    sharp - ad. having a thin edge or small point that can cut or hurt; causing hurt or pain

    she - pro. the girl or woman who is being spoken about

    sheep - n. a farm animal used for its meat and hair

    shell - v. to fire artillery; n. a metal container that is fired from a large gun and explodes when it reaches its target; a hard outside cover

    shelter - v. to protect or give protection to; n. something that gives protection; a place of safety

    shine - v. to aim a light; to give bright light; to be bright; to clean to make bright

    ship - v. to transport; n. a large boat

    shock - v. to cause to feel sudden surprise or fear; n. something that greatly affects the mind or emotions; a powerful shake, as from an earthquake

    shoe - n. a covering for the foot

    shoot - v. to cause a gun or other weapon to send out an object designed to kill; to use a gun

    short - ad. lasting only for a small period of time; not long; opposite tall

    should - v. used with another verb (action word) to show responsibility ("We should study."), probability ("The talks should begin soon."), or that something is believed to be a good idea ("Criminals should be punished.")

    shout - v. to speak very loudly

    show - v. to make something be seen; to make known; n. a play or story presented in a theater, or broadcast on radio or television, for enjoyment or education; something organized to be seen by the public

    shrink - v. to make or become less in size, weight or value

    sick - ad. suffering physically or mentally with a disease or other problem; not in good health

    sickness - n. the condition of being in bad health

    side - n. the outer surfaces of an object that are not the top or bottom; parts away from the middle; either the right or left half of the body

    sign - v. to write one's name; n. a mark or shape used to mean something; evidence that something exists or will happen; a flat piece of material with writing that gives information

    signal - v. to send a message by signs; n. an action or movement that sends a message

    silence - v. to make quiet; to stop from speaking or making noise; n. a lack of noise or sound

    silver - n. a valued white metal

    similar - ad. like something else but not exactly the same

    simple - ad. easy to understand or do; not difficult or complex

    since - prep. from a time in the past until now ("I have known her since we went to school together.")

    sing - v. to make music sounds with the voice

    single - ad. one only

    sink - v. to go down into water or other liquid

    sister - n. a female with the same father or mother as another person

    sit - v. to rest on the lower part of the body without the support of the legs; to become seated

    situation - n. the way things are during a period of time

    size - n. the space occupied by something; how long, wide or high something is

    skeleton - n. all the bones of a human or other animal together in their normal positions

    skill - n. the ability gained from training or experience

    skin - n. the outer covering of humans and most animals

    sky - n. the space above the earth

    slave - n. a person owned or controlled by another

    sleep - v. to rest the body and mind with the eyes closed

    slide - v. to move smoothly over a surface

    slow - v. to reduce the speed of; ad. not fast in moving, talking or other activities

    small - ad. little in size or amount; few in number; not important; opposite large

    smash - v. to break or be broken into small pieces by force; to hit or move with >force

    smell - v. to sense through the nose; n. something sensed by the nose ("the smell of food cooking")

    smoke - v. to use cigarettes or other tobacco products by burning them and breathing in the smoke; n. that which can be seen rising into the air like a cloud from something burning

    smooth - ad. having a level surface; opposite rough

    snow - n. soft, white pieces of frozen water that fall from the sky, usually in winter or when the air temperature is very cold

    so - ad. in such a way that ("He held the flag so all could see it."); also; too ("She left early, and so did we."); very ("I am so sick."); as a result ("They were sick, so they could not come."); conj. in order that; for the purpose of ("Come early so we can discuss the plans.")

    social - ad. of or about people or a group

    soft - ad. not hard; easily shaped; pleasing to touch; not loud

    soil - n. earth in which plants grow

    soldier - n. a person in the army

    solid - ad. having a hard shape with no empty spaces inside; strong; not in the form of a liquid or gas

    solve - v. to find an answer; to settle

    some - ad. of an amount or number or part not stated; not all

    son - n. a person's male child

    soon - ad. not long after the present time; quickly

    sort - n. any group of people or things that are the same or are similar in some way; a kind of something

    sound - n. fast-moving waves of energy that affect the ear and result in hearing; that which is heard

    south - n. the direction to the right of a person facing the rising sun

    space - n. the area outside the earth's atmosphere where the sun, moon, planets and stars are; the area between or inside things

    speak - v. to talk; to say words with the mouth; to express one's thoughts to others and exchange ideas; to give a speech to a group

    special - ad. of a different or unusual kind; not for general use; better or more important than others of the same kind

    speech - n. a talk given to a group of people

    speed - v. to make something go or move faster; n. the rate at which something moves or travels; the rate at which something happens or is done

    spend - v. to give as payment; to use ("He spends much time studying.")

    spill - v. to cause or permit liquid to flow out, usually by accident

    spirit - n. the part of a human that is not physical and is connected to thoughts and emotions; the part of a person that is believed to remain alive after death

    split - v. to separate into two or more parts; to divide or break into parts

    sport - n. any game or activity of competition involving physical effort or skill

    spread - v. to become longer or wider; to make or become widely known

    spring - n. the time of the year between winter and summer

    spy - v. to steal or get information secretly; n. one who watches others secretly; a person employed by a government to get secret information about another country

    square - n. a flat shape having four equal sides

    stab - v. to cut or push into or through with a pointed weapon

    stand - v. to move into or be in a position in which only the feet are on a surface; to be in one position or place

    star - n. a mass of gas that usually appears as a small light in the sky at night, but is not a planet; a famous person, usually an actor or singer

    start - v. to begin; to make something begin

    starve - v. to suffer or die from a lack of food

    state - v. to say; to declare; n. a political part of a nation

    station - n. a place of special work or purpose ("a police station"); a place where passengers get on or off trains or buses; a place for radio or television broadcasts

    statue - n. a form of a human, animal or other creature usually made of stone, wood or metal

    stay - v. to continue to be where one is; to remain; to not leave; to live for a time ("They stayed in New York for two years.")

    steal - v. to take without permission or paying

    steam - n. the gas that comes from hot water

    steel - n. iron made harder and stronger by mixing it with other substances

    step - v. to move by lifting one foot and placing it in a new position; n. the act of stepping; one of a series of actions designed to reach a goal

    stick - v. to attach something to another thing using a substance that will hold them together; to become fixed in one position so that movement is difficult ("Something is making the door stick."); n. a thin piece of wood

    still - ad. not moving ("The man was standing still."); until the present or a stated time ("Was he still there?"); even so; although ("The job was difficult, but she still wanted to do it.")

    stone - n. a small piece of rock

    stop - v. to prevent any more movement or action; to come or bring to an end

    store - v. to keep or put away for future use; n. a place where people buy things

    storm - n. violent weather, including strong winds and rain or snow

    story - n. the telling or writing of an event, either real or imagined

    stove - n. a heating device used for cooking

    straight - ad. continuing in one direction without turns

    strange - ad. unusual; not normal; not known

    street - n. a road in a city, town or village

    stretch - v. to extend for a distance; to pull on to make longer or wider

    strike - v. to hit with force; to stop work as a way to seek better conditions, more pay or to make other demands

    strong - ad. having much power; not easily broken, damaged or destroyed

    structure - n. the way something is built, made or organized; a system that is formed or organized in a special way; a building

    struggle - v. to try with much effort; to fight with; n. a great effort; a fight

    study - v. to make an effort to gain knowledge by using the mind; to examine carefully

    stupid - ad. not able to learn much; not intelligent

    subject - n. the person or thing being discussed, studied or written about

    submarine - n. an underwater ship

    substance - n. the material of which something is made (a solid, liquid or gas)

    substitute - v. to put or use in place of another; n. a person or thing put or used in place of another

    subversion - n. an attempt to weaken or destroy a political system or government, usually secretly

    succeed - v. to reach a goal or thing desired; to produce a planned result

    such - ad. of this or that kind; of the same kind as; similar to

    sudden - ad. not expected; without warning; done or carried out quickly or without preparation

    suffer - v. to feel pain in the body or mind; to receive or experience hurt or sadness

    sugar - n. a sweet substance made from liquids taken from plants

    suggest - v. to offer or propose something to think about or consider

    summer - n. the warmest time of the year, between spring and autumn

    sun - n. the huge star in the sky that provides heat and light to earth

    supervise - v. to direct and observe the work of others

    supply - v. to give; to provide; n. the amount of something that can be given or sold to others

    support - v. to carry the weight of; to hold up or in position; to agree with others and help them reach a goal; to approve

    suppose - v. to believe, think or imagine ("I suppose you are right."); to expect ("It is supposed to rain tonight.")

    suppress - v. to put down or to keep down by force; to prevent information from being known publicly

    sure - ad. very probable; with good reason to believe; true without question

    surface - n. the outer side or top of something ("The rocket landed on the surface of the moon.")

    surplus - n. an amount that is more than is needed; extra; ("That country has a trade surplus. It exports more than it imports.")

    surprise - v. to cause a feeling of wonder because something is not expected; n. something not expected; the feeling caused by something not expected

    surrender - v. to give control of oneself or one's property to another or others; to stop fighting and admit defeat

    surround - v. to form a circle around; to be in positions all around someone or something

    survive - v. to remain alive during or after a dangerous situation

    suspect - v. to imagine or believe that a person is guilty of something bad or illegal; n. a person believed to be guilty

    suspend - v. to cause to stop for a period of time

    swallow - v. to take into the stomach through the mouth

    swear in - v. to put an official into office by having him or her promise to carry out the duties of that office ("The chief justice will swear in the president.")

    sweet - ad. tasting pleasant, like sugar

    swim - v. to move through water by making motions with the arms and legs

    sympathy - n. a sharing of feelings or emotions with another person, usually feelings of sadness

    system - n. a method of organizing or doing something by following rules or a plan; a group of connected things or parts working together for a common purpose or goal





    sadly adv.难过的;悲哀地

    salesgirl n.女售货员

    salt n.盐

    satellite n.卫星

    school n.学校

    schoolbag n.书包

    schoolboy n.男学生(中、小学的)

    schoolyard n.校园

    Seattle n.西雅图

    self-respect n.自尊;自重

    sell v.卖;售

    seller n.卖者;售货员

    several adj./pron.几个;若干

    shall aux.(我,我们)将;会

    shelf n.(pl.shelves) 架子;搁板

    shellfish n.贝类;甲壳虫

    should aux.(shall的过去时)将;会; 应该

    silently adv.寂静地;沉默地

    sleep v.睡;睡觉

    slipper n.(常用复数)拖鞋;便鞋

    slow adj.慢的;缓慢的adv.慢慢地

    slow v.放慢;减速

    slow down 减缓;减速

    slowly adv.缓慢地

    small a.小的

    smell v.闻;嗅;散发(气味)

    smile v.& n.微笑

    soil n.土壤;土地

    soldier n.士兵;战士

    solve v.

    special adj.特别的;特殊的

    spell v.拼写

    spill (spilt,spilt)v.溢出;溅出;洒出

    spirit n.精神

    spoil (spoilt;spoilt) v.糟蹋

    Spring Festival 春节

    spring n.春天

    steal v.偷;窃取

    steering wheel 驾驶盘

    still adv.还;仍旧;更

    Stockholm n.斯德哥尔摩

    successful adv.圆满地;顺利地;成功地

    suddenly adv.突然地

    suddenly adv.突然地

    smile 微笑


    要几个?太多了 September 九月 Superman 超人 Supermarket 超市 Scare 害怕 Soul 灵魂 .

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