
编辑: admin           2017-27-02         


    This paper gives expample from the analysis and prediction of clothing mechanical comfort in dressing situation,and discusses about the technical difficulties of 3-D digital dressed manikin's pressure distribution. The 3-D digital manikin made by this paper runs normally in Ansys software platform,and simulates the pressure distribution of the dressed manikin.Although the method described in this paper is feasible,its performance is directly affected by the 3-D digital model. E.g.the invisible dress texture affects directly the efficiency and accuracy of the analysis of the finite element.And the commonality of the 3-D digital model affects directly the further development of the functional garment CAD, a relavant difficulty in the field which needs further research.


    类似问题1:英语翻译Austenitizing time should be the minimum required to heat theentire part to the desired austenitizing temperature and tosaturate the austenite with the equilibrium level of carbon[英语科目]


    类似问题2:英语翻译To avoid an uneven surface at the top of the specimen,it was decided to compact the specimens 147 mm in height and trim the specimens to a height of 142 mm after extrusion from the mold.Table 2 gives the values of the actual and targeted [英语科目]

    为了避免标本顶部(或上方)出现凹凸不平,决定标本出模后把高度由原来的 147毫米挤压缩型成142 毫米.表2 给出了所有测试过的标本的干湿两种状态下的实际参数和目标参数.标本测试按照ASTM D 2166程序标准以无限压缩方式通过了测试.


    Magna Charte played an important role in the history of human rights in England.It met the needs of the English people in fighting against the feudal Empror power,and it is the result of the English people's strugle against the feudal power.the birth of Magna Charte declared the coming of the human rights time,and marked the a new stage of human rights practice.The birth of Magna Charte is the milestone of the development of human rights history.It has a profound influence on the world.Thr principle set by the Magna Charte soon spreaded to the European Continent and America and became the basis of the western civilization.After the World War Two,duo to the effort make by the UN,the principles of Magna Charte were recognized by all the nations in the world.The Human Rights Committee of the UN seriously studied the content of the Magna Charte and adapted the main ideas when it drew up the The Declaration of World Human Rights.Magna Charte influenced the human rights policy of America and the development of the world human rights,so when the ex-priminister Thachere talked of human rights,she song highly of Magna CHarte.She said Magna Charte had played a VITAL ROLE IN THE HISTORY,and hereafter,it would strenthen the rights,freedon and legal system.It can be said that her remarks are comparatively objective.

    类似问题4:英语翻译Fashion designer differs from costume design due to its core product having a built in obsolescence usually of one to two seasons.A season is defined as either autumn/winter or spring/summer.Fashion design is generally considered to have [英语科目]



    类似问题5:求···翻译一段英语,不要机器译The magnitude of his expectations and naive faith in her financial prowess struck Inna like a splash of cold water.All her achievements,of which she had been so proud only yesterday,were reduced to rubbke an[英语科目]



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