编辑: admin 2017-27-02
Eliot1888, September 26 he was born in
An Elegant family St.Louis, Harvard University accepted his undergraduate and graduate education at Oxford and completed doctoral dissertation. In 1915 immigrants and the United Kingdom, in 1927 received citizenship. At Harvard, he was the anti-Romanticism anthropologist, philosopher and美学家the impact of larger, and wrote a doctoral thesis to study FHBradley "appearance and reality." In 1908, he came into contact with the symbols of the French art of illusion its adoption, the language of the subconscious and specious more respected and have their own practice in poetry works. To move to the United Kingdom, he continued his career poets, and began to write comments, essays, and drama, but also further editing. In 1948 he received the Nobel Prize. Britain and the United States have claimed they Eliot is a part of national culture!