
编辑: admin           2017-24-02         


    it is known that after the human infects the Type A H1N1 flu's symptom and cold is similar,the patient will appear has a fever,the cough,wearily,to have a poor appetite and so on.In the prevention aspect,Xu Ruiheng thought that the present stage necessity has not huddled together vaccinates the person influenza vaccine,because prevents the seasonal influenza vaccine to prevent the Type A H1N1 flu and not to have the effect.Correct makes the law forms the good personal hygiene habit,sufficient sleep,attendance in exercise,reduced pressure,enough nutrition; The attendance washes the hands,after particularly has contacted the public goods,must wash the hands first touches own eye,the nose and the mouth again; Sneezes and cough time should use the paper goods to cover the oronasal; The indoor maintains ventilates and so on.





    Ways to protect ourselves from the H1N1

    The public can take measures:

    (1) to avoid contact with flu-like symptoms (fever,cough,runny nose,etc.) or pneumonia and other respiratory tract of patients.

    (2),observe good personal hygiene,frequent use of hand-washing liquid (soap) and water hand-washing,especially after coughing or sneezing.

    (3) to avoid contact with pigs or pig to have a place.

    (4) to avoid going to crowded places.

    (5),with tissue paper when coughing or sneezing,cover mouth and nose,and then thrown into the trash tissue.

    (6) If sick,please stay at home and to reduce contact with others,to avoid infecting others.

    (7) try to avoid touching their eyes,nose or mouth,because germs can be spread through these channels.



    The Swine Flu virus detected in Mexico is the H1N1 Swine Flu virus strain that has killed more than 152 people in Mexico ,a Mexico government advised ,citing results from tests done in report.The Swiss government advised its citizens to avoid non-essential travel to Mexico on Tuesday.A man admitted that all of the suspected patients,having recently been to Mexico,were already quarantined and received necessary medication,but a series of tests are needed to confirm whether they are really infected with swine flu virus.We can overcome it.We has been urging citizens with symptoms of the flu -- a sharp increase in body temperature,headaches,muscular pains and breathing problems -- to visit their nearest medical center as soon as possible.


    How to prevent fires

    1,How to prevent electrical fires caused by

    To prevent electrical fires,including the four aspects:First,the choice of electrical appliances,and the other is the choice of wire,and the third is to install and use,not to the unauthorized use of four high-power electrical appliances.Electrical appliances should be chosen on the brand-name manufacturers to produce qualified products,to comply with the provisions of the installation,use the Manual in accordance with the requirements,do not wire乱拉.Teaching must be used when a larger electrical power to ask a professional electrician to install a dedicated line,shall not be mixed with other electrical appliances at the same time.Are normally not power,it is necessary to cut off power supply.Here are some commonly used to prevent electrical fires:

    (1) TV's fire prevention measures

    Open for 4-5 hours of television will take off to rest a while,especially in high temperature season.

    Not near the heat source,do not watch the television coverage of TV TV cover.

    To prevent liquid or insects into the TV.

    Outdoor antennas have a lightning protection devices and grounding facilities,with outdoor antenna television thunderstorm days,do not open.Do not watch the television to cut off power supply.

    (2) Washing machine fire prevention measures

    Do not let water electrical short circuit,not more than clothing or a hard object stuck boring machine electrical phenomena caused by fire resulting in fever.

    Do not use gasoline,ethanol,electric washing the dirt.

    (3) fire prevention measures refrigerator

    High temperature heat sink refrigerator,do not put back in refrigerator flammable liquids.

    Fridge not keeping flammable liquids such as ethanol,as the refrigerator starts producing sparks.

    Do not use washing refrigerator,refrigerator components in order to avoid a short circuit ignited.

    (4) cotton-padded mattress electric fire precautions

    Do not fold so as not to damage wire insulation,causing a short circuit caused the fire.

    Do not use electric blanket a long time,must be left off to avoid overheating in case of fire.

    (5) of the fire prevention measures electric iron

    High temperature electric iron can ignite the material in general.Therefore,it must be using an electric iron hand care,electricity should not be too long a time,must run out of power,heat insulation on the shelves of natural cooling,heat to prevent fire.

    (6) PC's fire prevention measures

    To prevent moisture and liquids into the computer to prevent the insects in the way of computer.

    Computer time should not be too long,the cooling fan to keep air open window.

    Do not contact the heat source to maintain good contact interface plugs.

    Attention to eliminating the hidden dangers.Computer room electrical lines,and complex equipment,materials for flammability of materials,personnel gathered,mobility,management and other issues are potential confusion,there should be specific to the implementation of preventive measures.

    (7) lighting the fire protection measures

    The lamp switch,socket,lighting appliances near flammable materials should be to ensure that insulation,cooling measures.

    When the current through the incandescent lamp can produce the high-temperature 2000-3000 degrees Celsius and luminous,as the light bulb filled with inert gas can be in thermal conductivity,so the temperature of the glass surface is also very high,the greater the power,the faster the temperature increase,incandescent and Fuel distance should be larger than 0.5 meters,light bulbs should not be put under the fuel.Learning to read at night,do not put blankets on the lighting.

    2,How to prevent fires caused by smoking

    Cigarette butts,though small,can be harmful,and its surface temperature between 200-300 degrees Celsius,the center temperature of about 700-800 degrees Celsius,the general fuel (such as paper,cotton,firewood,timber,etc.) are in the ignition,130 between -350 degrees Celsius,the temperature is below the cigarette butts,cigarette butts can ignite so most of the material,it can easily lead to throw cigarette butts fire.End tobacco smoking after cigarette butts should be "strangled",on an ashtray or metal,glass and other non-flammable equipment inside,do not arbitrarily throw,but can not ban smoking.


    Dear Tom,very pleased to receive your letter.On H1N1 you say I want to give you a few suggestions.1,often open the windows,keep the air fresh; 2,pay attention to personal hygiene,to develop good eating habits,do not spit; 3,pay attention to rest,do not make yourself too tired.

    类似问题5:书面表达:假定你是李华,准备参加学校举办的主题为:如何预防H1N1(甲型流感)的英语作文比赛.请按要求写一篇短文(开头已为你写好,要求100词左右)主要内容:1、常开窗通风 2、勤洗手[英语科目]

    reduced to public crowded places of the opportunity, for those who show body unwell, developed fevers and cough symptoms, to avoid its close contact;

    2, develop good personal hygiene, including sufficient sleep, nutritious food, more exercises to use soap to wash their hands, thoroughly wash hands,

    3, in cooking especially washing born pork, poultry (particularly anatidae) should pay special attention to. Especially with the skin damage. Suggestions to minimize contact opportunities;

    4, can consider to wear mouth-muffle, reduce the possibility of wind medium transmission,

    5, regularly take root (can consider to have certain regularity), i. indigotica demonstrate, mint, honeysuckle make tea drink.

    6, special attention to similar clinical manifestations, cause attention. Especially the sudden onset of high fever, conjunctival flush, cough, all recovered without any complication and other symptoms.

    Just six words, little gathers, wash your hands

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