
编辑: admin           2017-12-03         

    The Temple of Heaven was constructed between 1406 and 1420 during the reign of Ming Emperor YongLe (1403-1424), who also oversaw the creation of the Forbidden City during the same period.

    The Temple of Heaven was originally established as the Temple of Heaven and Earth, but was given its current name during the reign of Ming Emperor JiaJing (1522-1567), who built separate complexes for the earth, sun and moon. The Temple of Earth (DiTan) can be found in north Beijing. The temples of the sun and moon are in the east and west of Beijing.


    One approached the Temple of Heaven

    Temple of Heaven

    Ming Si Temple with圜丘

    Qing Dynasty Temple of Heaven complex

    Two days and southern outskirts of the ancient祀典

    郊祀the ancient days...



    类似问题1:北京天坛 简介 (英文)不用很多,只要70-80个单词就够了,不要出现语法错误,不要长篇大论[英语科目]

    Three Echo Stones is outside of the gate of the Imperial Vault of Heaven. If you speak facing the Vault while standing on the first stone, you will hear one echo; standing on the second and then the third stone, you will hear two and three echoes respectively.

    Another interesting and famous place for you to visit is called Echo Wall owning special feature. The wall encloses the Imperial Vault of Heaven. Its perimeter is 193 meters.

    If you and your friend stand at the east and the west roots of the wall respectively and you whisper a word, then your friend will hear clearly what you say. Isn't it interesting? The phenomenon utilizes the theory of sound wave.

    Besides carefully designed buildings, there are also some other scenes that you can enjoy like Nine-Dragon Cypress. It got its name from branches which look like nine dragons wind with each other. It was said that the cypress was planted more than 500 years ago. Really, a grandfather tree!

    类似问题2:名胜古迹的简介 如长城 天坛 地坛 什么的谢谢了


    1987年12月长城被列入《世界遗产名录》. 所有到北京去的人都以游览万里长城为快,"不到长城非好汉"已经成了中外游人的一句豪言壮语. 雄伟壮观的万里长城是人类建筑史上罕见的古代军事防御工程,是中华民族的象征,它凝聚着我们祖先的血汗和智慧.它以悠久的历史,浩大的工程,雄伟的气魄著称于世.它早就和埃及的金字塔,印度的泰姬· 玛哈尔陵,伊斯坦布尔的圣.索非亚教堂等一起被誉为世界的 奇迹.今天,它已被联合国教科文组织列入"世界遗产名录",作为世界人类文化遗产的重点而加以保护 .长城始建于春秋战国时期,历时达2000多年,总长度达5千万米以上.我们今天所指的万里长城多指明代修建的长城,它西起甘肃的嘉峪关, 东到辽宁的鸭绿江边,长635万米.它像一条矫健的巨龙,越群山,经绝壁,穿草原,跨沙漠,起伏在从山峻岭之巅,黄彼岸和渤海之滨.古 今中外,凡到过长城的人,无不惊叹它的磅礴气势,宏伟规模和艰巨工程. 长城是一座稀世珍宝和艺术非凡的文物古迹,它象征着中华民族坚不可 摧永存于世的意志和力量,是中华民族的骄傲,是整个人类的骄傲. 万里长城从春秋战国开始,伴随着中国长达2000多年的封 建社会行进.众所周知,一部悠久的古代中国文明史,封建社会是最丰富最辉焊的篇章, 举凡封建社会重大的政治、经济、文化方面的历史事件,在长城身上都打下了烙印.金戈 铁马、逐鹿强场、改朝换代、民族争和等在长城身上都有所反映. 长城作为一座历史的实 物丰碑,将水文在中华大地. 在万里长城身上所蕴藏的中华民族2000多年光辉灿烂的文化艺术的内涵十分丰 富,除了城墙、关城、镇城、烽火台等本身的建筑布局、造型、雕饰、绘画等建筑艺术之外, 还有诗词歌赋、民间文学、戏曲说唱等.古往今来不知有多少帝王将相、戍边士卒、骚人墨 客、诗词名家为长城留下了不朽的篇章.

    故 宫

    位于北京市市中心,南北长961米,东西宽753米,总面积72 万平方米,有宫室9000余间,是明清两代500多年24个皇帝的皇宫,旧称紫禁城.是我国现存最大、最完整的帝王宫殿和古建筑群,也是世界上最大的宫殿群.故宫周围有10米高的城墙,墙外有一道52米宽的护城河.紫禁城四面各有一座城门楼,城的四角建有精巧的角楼各一座. 故宫始建于明永乐四年(1406年),永乐十八年完工.整个建筑 群布局合理,层次分明,主体突出,宫殿建筑是沿南向北延伸的中轴 线和东西对称的格局排列布置的.紫禁城的宫殿按前朝后寝的规制分为前朝和内廷两部分.前朝主要围绕太和、中和、保和三大殿为中心 布局.太和殿俗称金銮殿,是封建皇权的象征.两翼有文化殿、武英 殿.内廷是皇帝处理日常政务和帝后、嫔妃、皇子公主们居住游园和 奉神的地方,中轴线上排列着被称为三宫的乾清宫、交泰殿、坤宁宫.在三宫东西两侧,分别为东西六宫.主轴建筑和两侧的东西六宫之间, 又有日精门、月华门、龙光门、凤彩门、基化门、端则门、景和门、 隆福门等相连通.内廷的建筑与外朝在风格上迥然不同,它显得更为严密深邃而富有生活气息.

    天 坛

    在故宫东南方数公里处,有一座巨大的祭天神庙,这就是天坛.天坛的总面积是270万平方米,比故宫还要大4倍.中国的皇帝号称“天子”,也就是“天的儿子”.天子的居所自然不敢大过“老天”的了. 除“天”之外,中国皇帝还有许多神祗需要祭祀,包括地神、水神、农业神、军事神、社会神、宗教神、市民神以及自己的祖宗牌位.因此,祭祀活动是皇帝的主要工作,一年四季不断,时间消耗甚多,而皇家的祭祀建筑也遍及京城各地且各有特色,成为北京的一道奇特风景. 今日天安门东侧的劳动人民文化宫是皇帝祭祖的地方,西天坛的建筑在一条中轴线上.最南的围墙呈方型,象征地,最北的围墙呈半圆型,象征天,这种设计来自远古“天圆地方”的思想. 天坛占地273公顷,建筑布局呈“回”字形,由两道坛墙构成内坛、外坛两大部分.外坛墙总长6416米,内坛墙总长3292米.内外坛墙的北部呈半圆形,南部为方形,北高南低,这既表示天高地低,又表示 “夭圆地方”.夭坛的主要建筑物集中在内坛中轴线的南北两端,其间由一条宽阔的丹陛桥相连结,由南至北分别为圜丘坛、皇穹宇、祈年殿和皇乾殿等;另有神厨、宰牲亭和斋宫等建筑和古迹. 天坛设计巧妙,色彩调和,建筑艺术高超,是中国非常出色的古建筑之一. 侧的中山公园是祭祀丰收神即五谷耕地之所.在整个北京城里,北有地坛祭地,南有天坛祭天,东有日坛祭太阳,西有月坛祭月亮,其中的天坛最为光彩夺目,气宇非凡.


    "三山五园"中的颐和园是世界上最广阔的皇家园林之一,总面积约290公顷. 颐和园原名清漪园,由著名宫廷建筑师雷家玺设计,建于1750~1764年.占地约290公顷,主要由万寿山和昆明湖组成.1860 年被英法联军烧毁,1888年慈禧太后挪用军费500余万两白银重修,改名为颐和园.园内殿堂楼阁、游廊水榭等建筑,精巧华丽,布局严整,是世界上造景丰富、建筑集中、保存最完整的皇家园林. 颐和园大约有四大景区. 颐和园的水面占全园面积的四分三,特别是南部的前湖区,烟波淼淼,西望群山起伏、北望楼阁成群;湖中有一道西堤,堤上桃柳成行,6座不同形式的拱桥掩映其中;湖中3岛上也有形式各异的古典建筑;十七孔桥横卧湖上,既是通往湖中的道路,又是一处叫人过目不忘的景点,造型十分优美. 颐和园集中了中国古典建筑的精华,容纳了不同地区的园林风格,堪称园林建筑博物馆. 颐和园中的主体建筑是万寿山上的佛香阁.佛香阁建筑在高21米的方形台基上;阁高40米,有8个面、3层楼、4重屋檐;阁内有8根巨大铁梨木擎天柱,结构相当复杂,为古典建筑精品. 回廊和角亭建筑是园林的常用形式.颐和园的长廊长约728米,为世界长廊之最.廊上绘有图画14000余幅,均为传统故事或花鸟鱼虫.昆明湖东岸的8角重檐廓如亭,也是中国最大的.此外,万寿山顶的无梁殿,全用砖石砌成拱顶,没有一根支撑物,技术水平极高. 颐和园体现出的铸造雕刻技术也是一流水平,如昆明湖东岸的巨大镇水铁牛,形态逼真,背上还铸有铭文;湖北岸的巨大石舫,雕梁画栋,精彩无比. 颐和园的建筑风格吸收了中国各地建筑的精华.东部的宫殿区和内廷区,是典型的北方四合院风格,一个一个的封闭院落由游廊联通;南部的湖泊区是典型杭州西湖风格,一道"苏堤"把湖泊一分为二,十足的江南格调;万寿山的北面,是典型的西藏喇嘛庙宇风格, 有白塔,有碉堡式建筑;北部的苏州街,店铺林立,水道纵通,又是典型的水乡风格.


    这是一处古人类文化遗址,位于北京市西南约48公里处的房山周口店龙骨山,是北京猿人和山顶洞人化石的发现地.山上有8个古人类文化遗址和哺乳动物化石地点.从1929年起,已编到第 25地点,大多数地点在周口店附近. 1929年,我国古生物学家裴文中在这里发现了第一个猿人头盖骨轰动了世界.从此以后,周口店就以中国"猿人之家"闻名全球.1949年以来,前去参观考察的中外人士一天天增多,现在已成为游览胜地了,其中以"北京人"遗址和"山顶洞人"遗址最有代表性. 在周口店村的西部,有两座东西并列的山丘,东边的一座有一个大山洞,俗称猿人洞,1929年后,叫周口店第一地点,东西长约140米,中部最宽处约20米. "北京人"在周口店居住的时间,大约从距今60多万年开始,一直到距今20多万年;"北京人"文化早期从距今60多万年到距今 40多万年前,中期为距今40-30万年,晚期为距今30到20多万年前. 这里发现了第一个完整的北京猿人头盖骨化石,当时震惊了世界.随后的考古过程中,陆续挖掘出"北京人"化石,"山顶洞人" 化石,石制品和用火遗迹.有力的证实了生活在25-60万年前的早期人类已可以制造石器,用火取暖、煮食,为研究人类的进化提供了巨大的帮助. 周口店猿人遗址是世界上发现直立人化石、用火遗迹和原始人化石遗存最丰富的古人类文化遗址,被联合国教科文组织列入世界文化遗产名录,属全国重点文物保护单位. "北京人"选择周口店地区定居,是因为石灰岩易于被水溶解,形成许多洞穴和裂隙,提供了良好的居住条件.现在,周口店西边的龙骨山北坡,就有北京人居住过的山洞. 在山洞里发现的"北京人"遗骨,有完整和比较完整的头盖骨、面骨、下颌骨、牙齿、残破的大腿骨、残胫骨、上臂骨、锁骨和腕骨等等.





    长城:The Great Wall 故宫:The Imperial Palace、The Palace Museum、The Forbidden City 颐和园:The Summer Palace 鸟巢:Bird's Nest或者Olympic Stadium 天安门:Tian An Men 天坛:Temple of Heaven 地坛:Temple of Earth 明十三陵:Bright Ming tombs 注意每个词的第一个字母要大些哦 要不然就成了另外一个意思了


    1The Temple of Heaven

    About 2km southeast of the Forbidden City towers Tian Tan,or the Temple of Heaven,where dynastic rulers in China used to worship the heaven.The temple plus subsidiary buildings and a surrounding garden covers an area five times the size of the Forbidden City.As Chinese emperors called themselves Tianzi,or the son of heaven,they had to cede supremacy to the heaven in terms of abiding.

    2Chinese emperors had many other gods to worship apart from the god of heaven,including the gods of earth,water and war.They also worshipped their ancestors.As a result,religious activities were an important part of their busy work schedule.Temples of various kinds are scattered in Beijing.The best-known are the Temple of Heaven in the south,the Temple of Earth in the north,the Temple of Sun in the east,and the Temple of the Moon in the west.The Temple of Heaven is the grandest of them all.

    The period of Qianlong’s reign is generally regarded as the most prosperous of the entire Qing Dynasty,and this prosperity was reflected in th lavish refurbishment of the hall.“After the restoration,the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest glowed and shone with beautiful colors,” according to thTiantan Gongyuan Zhi (Records of the Temple of Heaven),compiled in 2002.

    All this magnificence was destroyed by fire when the hall was struck by lightning in 1889,during the reign of Emperor Guangxu.The fire burned for a whole night,leaving only ashes of the building.The court was shocked by this ill omen,and Emperor Guangxu ordered the immediate rebuilding of the hall.

    With no blueprint or other construction records to go by,the plan for the reconstruction relied on the memories of an old craftsman who had worked on an earlier restoration project of the hall,the Records of the Temple of Heaven says.

    The China of the reign of Guangxu was considerably less affluent than it had been under Qianlong,but despite any budget restraints that may have been imposed,the reconstructed Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest was as exquisite as the original,although the artistic level of the painting of the building was not as high,antique expert Wang Shiren told Beijing Today.

    3The Temple of Heaven was built in 1420 during the reign of Emperor Yongle of the Ming Dynasty.Situated in the southern part of the city,this grand set of structures covers an area of 273 hectares.To better symbolize heaven and earth,the northern part of the Temple is circular while the southern part is square.The whole compound is enclosed by two walls,a square wall outside a round one.The outer area is characterized by suburban scenery,while the inner part is used for sacrifices.The inner enclosure consists of the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest and the Circular Mound Altar.Today the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest is the hallmark of Beijing,which enjoys a prolonged history of civilization.The annex halls were symmetrically built on a 1.5-meter-high brick-and-marble terrace,to set off the loftiness and magnificence of the main hall.This unique building,38 meters in height,is characterized by a cone-shaped structure with triple eaves and a top that is crowned by a gilt ball.

    The roofing is made of blue glazed tiles,the color of the sky.Underneath the roof,the beams and brackets are decorated with colored paintings.The base of the structure is a triple-tiered,circular marble terrace.At a distance,the terrace looks like a gigantic,spiraling cloud with the structure perched on top of it.The Imperial Vault of Heaven is the main structure of Heaven's Storehouse.Aside from exquisitely laid out architectures,Heaven's Storehouse is also famous for two structures with peculiar acoustic features,i.e.the Echo Wall and the Triple-Sound Stone.A mere whisper at any point close to the wall can be heard clearly on the other side,although the parties may be 40 or 50 meters apart.This is possible because the wall is round and hermetically constructed with smooth,solid bricks.The Temple of Heaven is also famous for its cypress trees - there are more than 60,000 cypress trees in all,among which over 4,000 are more than one hundred years old,adding to the solemn atmosphere of the temple.

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