我要莫泊桑的项链的英文点评 不用太长200-300单
编辑: admin 2017-04-03
SHE was one of those pretty and charming girls, born by a blunder of destiny in a family of employees. She had no dowry, no expectations, no means of being known, understood, loved, married by a man r...
Necklace "读后感
"The Necklace" the article for "Featured Maupassant short story",it is by the famous French writer Maupassant wrote.The author was born in the coastal region of Normandy region of a decline of a noble family.Since an early age by the wealthy mother of a romantic temperament her mother's influence,so that he could not endure the aristocratic atmosphere of the school,addressed to a public school reading.Maupassant's article are very pessimistic about the color,which with his health status and historical background are closely related.
Described in this article are his wife罗塞瓦德full vanity,her first time at the banquet in order to enjoy the limelight,deliberately borrowed from his girlfriend a diamond necklace.Wearing a necklace when she appeared at the banquet on time,causing the audience to praise and flattery of the people,her vanity has been greatly satisfied.Unfortunately,the way home,this necklace is missing.This compensation for the value of 36,000 francs gold necklace,she has been heavily indebted negative.After a decade of her things to scrimp and save to pay off the debt.The ironic part is when she told the other side of the necklace is missing is false.罗塞瓦德his wife through "打肿脸充胖子" approach to show the self-concept of the driver face,so that she suffered.
"Oh,poor couples罗瓦塞尔!Destiny really make fun of people." That was my first after reading the article.When the aftertaste from the article again,I can not help but think:If they do not for vanity,would be so much cost?Vanity,a terrible but invisible demon,are made in order to honor and caused widespread attention shown by an abnormal social emotions,are an indisputable gain of a bad quality.Vanity candid people will move toward hypocrisy.Vanity strong regular people usually boast a showing off of conduct,through the bragging,occult,etc.to express their own deception.Vanity strong person,there is usually jealous impulse,the ability to see others than themselves,and status than their higher destiny than its own good,the appearance of the United States than their own,they feel uncomfortable and not fun.And even exclusion,ridicule,attack,alienation,self-resilient than embarrass people,intentionally or unintentionally,to make the damage done to these people.Have,vanity strong person,in particular,likes to listen to the words of flattery,compliment,it is most unacceptable and others are publicly contradict or face-to-face advice,the most intolerable of老底are exposing him.As a result,making him probably are some narrow circle of the "villains."
French philosopher Bergson said:"It is hard to say vanity is an evil,but all the evil all around the vanity and Health,is but a means to satisfy the vanity." False Honor is a flash that is broken bubble,we should not pursue that do not belong to their own false things; and want to go down-to-earth干一番事业,through the struggle to create their own honor to belong to.
【中文部分请见谅 = = 】
论 玛 蒂 尔 德
一 《项链》的主题
这种看法的根据是,小说中尽管没有一句谴责玛蒂尔德的虚荣心的话,但在人物描写和情节安排中处处流露出作者的态度.比如,开头写玛蒂尔德如何把大 资产者的奢华生活当理想,后来写她收到请帖后如何费尽心机抠出丈夫的积蓄,这一系列描写表现出这个小资产阶级妇女灵魂的庸俗鄙陋.另外,写玛蒂尔德的一个 晚上的满足带来十年的艰辛,这是对她的虚荣心的惩罚.小说最后写到十年艰辛不过是为了一件赝品,这又是对她的辛辣的讽刺.
玛蒂尔德的虚荣心不是一种个别的现象,而是阶级社会的产物,有一定的典型性.不安于辛苦劳动而得以糊口的生活,看不起比自己更穷苦的人,一心想上 升为大资产者,而且希望走捷径,借侥幸的机会发迹,这是人的劣根性的表现.当然,只有少数小资产者获得了成功,而大多数小资产者在竞争中沦落到更加悲惨的 境地.《项链》嘲讽了阶级社会这种追求虚荣的可鄙风气,而且帮助我们去认识产生这种风气的社会原因.
这种看法的根据是,第一,在玛蒂尔德看来,每个人都可以凭自己的努力去得到自己想得到的东西;何况“人”活着就是为了“享受”,而不是忍受种种贫 困与丑陋,不能因此而指责她有虚荣心和追求享受的思想.在这指责背后隐藏着“安贫乐道”的价值标准,而这种将贫困道德化的价值观是十分可疑的.第二,作者 对一心追求享乐生活并没有批判,对以十年艰辛还清债务也没有赞颂,对二者没有做出明确的倾向性选择,只是说:“人生是多么奇怪,多么变幻无常啊,极细小的 一件事可以败坏你,也可以成全你!”
我们的看法是,《项链》写的是一个小公务员的妻子玛蒂尔德以十年的含辛茹苦去赔偿一条借来的假项链的悲剧故事.作者对女主人公虽有美好的姿色却无 力打扮自己的无奈处境表示遗憾;对她为一条假项链差不多葬送自己及其丈夫一生的不幸遭遇表示同情和惋惜;对她和她丈夫偿还项链的诚实品德和奋斗精神进行了 肯定.小说也对女主人公的虚荣心进行了批评.同时,对贵族阶级的穷奢极欲和不惜弄虚作假的生活方式作了抨击和暴露.
二 《项链》的精巧构思
作者为了突出主题,为主人公设计了一个从逆境到顺境,然后再坠入逆境的曲折经历.起初,玛蒂尔德在婚姻上的失意,似乎使她陷入了逆境.但是,教育 部长举办舞会的请帖,给她打开了希望之门.舞服和首饰的解决,使她更接近成功.舞会上大出风头,眼看踏上了成功之路.不料,丢失了项链,使她再次坠入了厄 运.这样,逆境——顺境——逆境的转换,使人物的境遇越发显得悲惨,主题因此而更加突出.
《项链》中有一系列出人意料的情节.小说写女主人公一直向往上流社会,可是接到部长舞会的请帖后,却“懊恼”“发愁”.她在舞会上大获成功,眼看 要时来运转,却又丢失项链.赔了项链,最后才得知项链是假的.这些情节看似出人意料,却又合乎情理,这与作者作了一系列铺垫是分不开的.小说开端,作者大 段大段介绍玛蒂尔德向往过上流社会生活的心理,这就为下面描写人物懊恼发愁、遭到挫折提供了依据.小说还提到女主人公与她的朋友佛来思节夫人的关系,看来 无足轻重,却是下文情节发展的重要因素.女主人公借项链、失项链、赔项链、还债务、发现项链是赝品,都与此有关.在借、还项链时,佛来思节夫人毫不在意, 这蕴藏着一个暗示,项链不是值钱的东西.小说最后点出项链是假的,读者想到上文的暗示,会恍然大悟.
三 《项链》的心理描写
《项链》的心理描写细腻、深刻.作者极善于用心理分析的方法来展现人物的内心世界.例如用“她一向就想望着得人欢心,被人艳羡,具有诱惑力而被人 追求”,表现她希望摆脱寒酸、黯淡、平庸的生活,置身于上流社会,成为生活优裕、受人奉承的高贵夫人的梦想;通过“她陶醉于自己的美貌胜过一切女宾”,表 现她自觉颇有姿色,具有跳出平庸家庭,爬进上流社会的资本的自信心.这种虚荣心正是资本主义社会把女性当成玩物的要求造成的,它预示了玛蒂尔德悲剧的必然 性.
类似问题4:《项链》莫泊桑 英语简介[英语科目]
"The Necklace" or "The Diamond Necklace" (French:La Parure) is a short story by Guy De Maupassant,first published in 1884 in the French newspaper Le Gaulois.The story has become one of Maupassant's popular works and is well known for its ending.It is also the inspiration for Henry James's short story,"Paste".It has been dramatised as a musical by the Irish composer Conor Mitchell; it was first produced professionally by Thomas Hopkins and Andrew Jenkins for Surefire Theatrical Ltd at the Edinburgh Festival in 2007.
"The Necklace" tells the story of Madame Mathilde Loisel and her husband.Mathilde always imagined herself in a high social position with wonderful jewels.However she has nothing and marries a low paid clerk who tries his best to make her happy.Through lots of begging at work her husband is able to get two invitations to the Ministry of the Public Instruction party.Mathilde then refuses to go,for she has nothing to wear.Her husband is upset to see her displeasure and,using money that he was saving to buy a rifle,gives Mathilde 400 francs and lets his wife buy a dress that suits her.Mathilde goes out and buys a dress,but even with the dress Mathilde is still not happy,since she has no jewels to wear with it.The pair does not have much money left,so her husband suggests that she buy roses to wear with it,but after Mathilde disagrees he suggests borrowing something from her friend,Madame Jeanne Forestier.Mathilde picks out the fanciest diamond necklace that she can find.After attending the Ministry of Public Instruction party,Mathilde discovers that she has lost the necklace.After losing the necklace she has to find a quick way to replace it.She goes to a shop and discovers the price of necklace to be 36,000 Francs.She gets the necklace after borrowing the money,but the long path of her struggle begins.Ten years later,while in a park she suddenly sees Madame Jeanne Forestier and was shocked to find that the original necklace which she lost in the ball was an imitation,worth 500 Francs at the most.
This is a one-act play, which is based on Maupassant’s best-known story The Diamond Necklace.
There are three characters in the play:
Mathilde Loisel, a young woman;
Pierre Loisel, Mathilde’s husband, a government worker;
Jeanne, Mathilde's good friend.
英文介绍:The story takes place in Paris. One day, Pierre gets an invitation to a palace ball. He thinks it important to him, and decides to go to the party with his wife Mathilde. But Mathilde is worried, because she has no new dress and no jewellwey to wear. Her husband spends 400 francs on a new dress and she herself borrows a diamond necklace from her good friend Jeanne. The young couple go to the ball and has a very good time here. On their way back after the ball, Mathilde finds that the necklace is no longer around her neck. They rush back to the palace and look for it. But they can’t find it; it is lost.The young couple borrow a great deal of money and buy a necklace that is exactly like Jeanne’s. It costs them 36000 francs. So they have to work day and night to pay back the money they have borrowed. After ten years of hard work, they at last pay back all the money, but now Mathilde looks so old that Jeanne even can’t recognize her when they meet.When Jeanne hears the story, she tells Mathilde that the necklace she has borrowed isn’t a real diamond necklace. It isn’t valuable at all. It is worth 500 francs at the most.
"The Necklace"
by Guy de Maupassant
Guy de Maupassant was the child of an unhappy marriage. His mother has been dessccrriibbeedd as neurotic and his father as a man who sought relief from his wife in the arms of other women. Perhaps the collapse of his parents' marriage engendered de Maupassant's pessimism, reflected particularly in his stories about infidelity and failed relationships. It certainly influenced his own attitude toward women, which, in turn, affected his creation of characters in stories such as "The Necklace."
Events in History at the Time of the short story
The purpose of women. De Maupassant's attitude toward women was ambivalent. He was one of few nineteenth-century authors to recognize and celebrate women's sensuality rather than regard it as a sign of corruption. He was also, however, devastatingly cruel to women, whether in his own life or in his fiction. He recommended that the French Academy commission a treatise on how to "break decently, properly, politely, without noise, scene or violence, with a woman who adores you and with whom you are fed up" (de Maupassant in Steegmuller, p. 178). He scoffed at monogamy, insisting that he could not understand how two women could not be better than one, three better than two, and ten better than three.
An Introduction
Guy de Maupassant�s short story �The Necklace� weaves a tale about Madame Mathilde Loisel who dreams of the finer things of life and is not content with her secure, middle class lifestyle. The price she pays for a single evening of elegance turns into years of drudgery and despair. This is a story that has stood the test of time and is as relevant today as when Maupassant wrote it in the late nineteenth century.
The Plot Begins
The plot begins with a description of the protagonist, Mathilde, a young lady born into a family with little means, and who marries a gentleman who is employed as a clerk. The setting of this story is late nineteenth century France. Maupassant employs the limited omniscient narrative perspective and utilizes third-person narration in this short story that allows his readers an intimate look into Mathilde�s life. Utilizing this point of view enables his readers to appreciate the changes that take place in her character. The narrator�s tone in this piece is unsympathetic towards the protagonist.
Mathilde's Life
Mathilde is unhappy with her lot in life. She is portrayed as someone who believes she deserves a better life than the one she has; she wants to �please, to be envied, to be charming, to be sought after�. The shame that she feels about her own financial and social status is something that many people can understand. The difference is that most people are unwilling to make the sacrifices made by Mathilde and her husband for one night of pleasure.
Masterfully Portrayed
Maupassant masterfully portrays the depth of emotion of this character throughout this story especially in the scene when her husband comes home with an invitation to the ball. Instead of �being delighted� with the invitation, she throws it on the table �muttering�. Maupassant continues to explain her reaction and how she becomes �irritated� and impatient with her husband.
Supposed Poverty
Mathilde does not believe her own possessions to be valuable and believes that people of her social class assume things are only valuable if they are expensive. She fails to realize that objects only have value as long as someone prizes them. She spends so much time convincing herself that possessions only have value if they are expensive that she loses sight of the real value of things. This turns out to be a serious error on her part.
The Use of Irony
Maupassant masterfully uses irony to produce a surprise ending in this short story. In doing so, he attempts to teach his readers several different moral lessons. Maupassant asserts that the people who survive the misfortunes of life are somehow stronger and therefore actually benefit from their adversities.
In Conclusion
Thank you for taking the time to read my review of Guy de Maupassant's "The Necklace". I hope that my review has been both helpful and enjoyable for you to read.
The Necklace Summary | Detailed Summary
"The Necklace" by Guy de Maupassant starts with a description of a young woman, Mrs. Matilda Loisel. She is pretty and charming, but unfortunately she was born into a family of clerks. Because of her family's middle class stature, she has no hopes of becoming rich, famous or distinguished. Therefore, she agrees to marry a clerk in the Board of Education.
Matilda's modest life style makes her miserable. She suffers constantly because she feels that she should have been born into luxury. Everything about her surroundings depresses her, including her furniture and faded linens. Most women of her social stature would not even notice the things she sees as great flaws when surveying her apartment. She thinks about luxurious antechambers, with Oriental tapestries, bronze torches and servants who are made sleepy by decadent heating systems. Matilda longs for expensive bric-a-brac and ornate little rooms where ladies receive attention from well-known, wealthy men.
Her husband seems happy with the very things that depress her, including their meager meals. While she looks at the dirty tablecloth on the dining table, her husband exclaims with joy over simple pleasures and meager meals. She, meanwhile, thinks of all of the gourmet dinners in opulent rooms that she is missing.
"She had neither frocks nor jewels, nothing. And she loved only those things. She felt that she was made for them. She had such a desire to please, to be sought after, to be clever, and courted."
Her pain is so great that she cannot visit a rich friend because, upon returning home, she would cry for days over the despair of not having the things she desires.
One night, her husband comes home elated. He has an invitation in his hand for a party at the house of the Minster of Public Instruction. Instead of being happy, she is angry and spiteful, asking what she is supposed to do with it. Her husband says he thought it would make her happy. He went to great lengths to secure the invitation and promises she will see very important people at the event. She tells him she has nothing to wear. When he suggests that she wears the dress she dons when they attend the theater, she weeps. She says that she has no appropriate dress and that he should give the invitation to a colleague whose wife has a better wardrobe.
Matilda's husband asks what it would cost to buy a suitable dress. She decides that it would take about four hundred francs. He is dismayed because that is the exact amount he has saved to buy a gun. He had been hopping to join some hunting parties during the upcoming summer. Nevertheless, he agrees to give her the money.
It is now closer to the day of the ball. Matilda is sad, even though her dress is nearly ready. Her husband asks what is wrong, and she says she does not want to go the ball because she does not have jewelry to wear. He suggests wearing a few flowers, which look chic that season. She refuses, saying, "There is nothing more humiliating than to have a shabby air in the midst of rich women."
Her husband is pleased to come up with a solution to her problem. He suggests she goes to her friend, Mrs. Forestier, to ask her to lend Matilda some jewels. Matilda is thrilled by the suggestion. The next day, she goes to Mrs. Forestier's house and explains the situation. The woman gives her a jewelry case to look through and tells her to pick whatever she likes. At first, she sees some fine jewelry, but nothing seems just right. She asks Mrs. Forestier if she has anything else. Mrs. Forestier tells Matilda to look and see, because she is not sure what Matilda is looking for. Suddenly, Matilda discovers a superb diamond necklace. Her heart beats faster just looking at it. She is blissfully happy. She asks Mrs. Forestier if she can borrow the necklace. When the woman agrees, Matilda is overjoyed and embraces her with passion.
The night of the ball, "Madame" Loisel is a great success. She is the most beautiful, elegant, and joyful woman at the party. All of the men notice her and want to meet her. Even the Minister of Education pays attention to her. For that one night, she is happier than she has ever been.
She goes home at four o'clock in the morning. Her husband has been ready to go since midnight and has been half-asleep in a little salon with three other men whose wives were having a good time. They prepare to leave, but her modest coat embarrasses her. Her husband tells her to wait inside while he finds a cab, but she runs outside because she does not want the women wearing furs to see her everyday coat.
They do not find a cab and must walk in the cold for a while. They finally find a ride to their home. They walk wearily into their apartment. Her night is over, and he must be at the office in just a few hours. In a moment of horror, she realizes the necklace is no longer around her neck. Her husband retraces their steps. At seven o'clock, he returns empty-handed. The next morning, he goes to the police and cab offices and advertises in the newspapers, but the necklace does not turn up. He tells Matilda to write to Mrs. Forestier and tell her that she has broken the clasp on the necklace and must have it repaired. They hope it will buy them some time.
However, at the end of the week, the necklace is still missing. Mr. Loisel says that they must replace the jewelry. They go from jeweler to jeweler, looking for a necklace like the one Matilda lost. Finally, they find one that looks right. Even at a discount, it will cost them thirty-six thousand francs. Loisel only has eighteen thousand francs he inherited from his father. He borrows the rest from multiple sources, risking his whole future without knowing if he can ever repay the enormous debt. Matilda returns the necklace to Mrs. Forestier, who is angry that she did not get it back sooner.
Matilda now learns what it is like to live in real poverty. The couple gets rid of the maid and moves into smaller, attic rooms. Matilda must work endlessly doing even the most menial chores she once paid others to perform. Her husband works evenings doing copying and accounting. This miserable poverty lasts for ten years until they can repay the loans.
Now Mrs. Loisel seems old and weathered. She is no longer beautiful. Her hair, skin and nails are wrecked. However, sometimes when her husband is at work, she sits in the window and remembers that wonderful night when she was pretty and sought after. She thinks how her life would have been different if she had not lost the necklace.
One Sunday, while taking a walk, Matilda sees Mrs. Forestier. The woman is still young and pretty. Matilda says hello, but at first, her friend does not recognize the rough woman in front of her. When Matilda reveals her identity, Mrs. Forestier is astonished. Matilda tells Mrs. Forestier the truth about the necklace. She says it was very difficult, but the debt is repaid and she is now content with her life. She is pleased Mrs. Forestier never noticed the diamonds had been switched.
Mrs. Forestier is shocked and takes her hands. She tells Matilda that the diamond necklace she borrowed was fake and not worth more than five hundred francs.
A pretty woman of low social status feels unsatisfied with her husband and her life. She gets the opportunity to attend a ball of sorts, and feels that she must look "high class" so she borrows a diamond necklace from her friend. She goes to the ball, and relishes in feeling special. When she gets home, however, she finds that the necklace is missing. She and her husband search desperately for it, but cannot find it. They go to a shop, and see that the same necklace is being sold for a huge amount of money. They purchase it, vowing to pay off the debt. It takes them years, but after working ceaselessly, the pay off all the debt. By that time, the woman has completely lost her beauty. She bumps into the old friend on the street, and confesses to her that she had lost her original necklace, and had just paid off the debt on the one that she had been given to replace it. The friend is in shock, and tells her that the necklace that she had given her was a fake, and cost almost nothing.
Plot Summary
"The Necklace" begins with a description of Madame Mathilde Loisel. Though she is "pretty and charming," she and her husband, a clerk in the Ministry of Education, are not well off financially. She has always dreamed of a life of leisure, with attentive servants and a large home, but her lifestyle is decidedly more modest. Ashamed of her social standing, she no longer visits Madame Forestier, an old school friend who has become rich.
When the Loisels are invited to a ball, Madame Loisel becomes very upset, insisting that she has nothing appropriate to wear to such an event. Hoping to make his wife feel better, Monsieur Loisel offers to buy her a new dress. As the ball approaches, Madame Loisel again becomes anxious because she has no jewels to wear.
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