编辑: admin 2017-04-03
there is one thing you need to know
I love you, you are the most important person in my heart. you are the one, the only one,
This moment is so thrilling to me, I dare not to look into your eyes, I am afraid of lossing you.
I want you, I need you, I want to be with you, I intend to embrace the love of you into your body.
I am falling in love,
It's a sweet dream mixed with a tiny bitterness.
Do you believe in love at first sight? it is the luckest moment to meet you.
I will satisfied, if you knowing my love, even a second.
I made wishes. Listen, my heart, to the whisper of the world which I make love to you.
I love till the end.
Here is to a man I thought I'd never know. The one who stole my heart so innocently, but with care and grace. The perfect thought is us together forever, the sweetest word is your name, and the greatest thing is your love. Every silent prayer that has left my mind, all the empty words that have left my mouth, and all the lonely tears that have escaped my eyes have made me who I am, one to love you more.
I can still remember the first time we holded our hands, the first time we huged each other, the first time kissed. We walked arm in arm, slowly we were getting closer, we went to another level of love.
All the times I felt I've found the one, and all the times I've mourned over a bleeding heart, all the times I've given it all I've got, are as many as I have found my face in the mud. All the guys who just wanted my body, all the pieces of myself I've given away, all the things I wished I'd done, and all the things I wished I hadn't, helps me love you with purity and certainty. All the times we fight feels like we're gambling our lives; I hope we never lose.
I love you so much. Those five words can't have more meaning than anything else possibly could. I love you with all my faults and all my achievements. I love you with all that I am. I love you for who you are. I hope in the quietest part of the night when I whisper out to you, you'll know just what to do. You'll listen to hear my voice echoing how much I love you.
类似问题1:英语翻译Erden Eruc has been rowing across the Pacific Ocean(太平洋)in a rowboat since he left California on July 10,2007.He has been heading for Australia with only birds.fish,and sharks ever Since.Crossing the Pacific is only part o[英语科目]
自从07年7月10日他离开加州器,埃尔登 一直划船横跨了太平洋(太平洋).他驶向澳大利亚的旅途中,只有飞鸟,游鱼,和鲨鱼陪伴左右.
横渡太平洋的是他旅行的一部分.他决定驾驶着他的小船,一路转过世界的每一个地方.他会划船,自行车,步行,攀登世界,不借助与任何外力,他的 计划包括攀上沿途的六洲(洲)的所有最高峰.
对于他此行的第一部分,他从西雅图骑着脚踏车5546英里,到华盛顿麦金利山在阿拉斯加和 英里大本营,走了67英里到达宿营地,爬上20320英尺到麦金利高峰.现在他的第二部分冒险(冒险活动).就是划到澳大利亚.
为什么他会尝试用这种方式游遍世界各地?他想鼓励孩子们梦想自己的梦想,并让实现自己的目标.他要向孩子们展示,有可能这一路上很辛苦,有时他们甚至有可能 到不达那个最后的目标.但是他们可以有伟大的冒险经历和并且在这一路也学习了很多.
当他在世界各地旅行时,他喜欢结识朋友 - 尤其是孩子们.他已经访问了许多学校和分享他的故事.
类似问题2:英语翻译I made my song a coatCovered with embroideriesOut of old mythologiesFrom heel to throat[英语科目]
I am a man,我是这样一个人,
Lived on a bank.生活在河边.
On the other hand,在河的对岸,
View a beauty women.住着美丽的女人,
Eeveryday see her in the land,每天看她辛勤劳作
Year after year watch her grown big ,年复一年的她在长大
On a same way,长久以往
Unable thing happened to my life,不可思议的事发生了
Reach back the have,回首曾今往事
Over on the leaf,随风飘去
Stay with you,唯和你在一起
Ever With you,永远守着你
Get to the church,一起走进殿堂
Underlife will be blessness much!我们的生活会更美好!
类似问题4:英语翻译When Sarah Cohen’s acne drove her to visit a dermatologist in July,that’s what shefigured she’d be doing — visiting a dermatologist.But at the hospital onNantucket,where her family spends summers,Ms.Cohen,19,was perplexed.“I tho[英语科目]
当Sarah Cohen的粉刺驱使着她7月份去看皮肤科大夫的时候,她心里想的就是要去做这件事– 看皮肤科大夫.医院在一个叫Nantucket的岛上,这是她家人夏天常来的地方,然而到了医院之后19岁的Cohen女士开始有些迷糊了.“我以为我要见一位常规的医生,”她说,不过实际上她看到的却是“一块巨大的屏幕.”突然两名医生出现在电视屏幕上:他们是位于波士顿的皮肤科医生.和她同时呆在房子里的一名护士举着一只放大摄像头对着她的脸,并示意让她闭上眼睛.为什么?她思忖着– 接着很快就明白了.这只摄像头能把她脸部的图像传递到屏幕上,这样医生们就能把脸上的沟沟坎坎给检查个遍.“噢,我的上帝,我想我当时差点就哭了,”她回来回忆说,“那些你以前从没见过小疙瘩现在就在你眼前.”她意识到这就是关键所在.技术,就像这些照相机和屏幕,正在让医生能够以更加廉价和有效地方式对病人做检查,却并不需要他们在场.
越来越多的医院和医疗工作正在使用这手段,同时发现它不但能省钱,而且对一些病人来说效果还和他们亲临医院检查没什么两样.“以前我们认为远程医疗只能用于边远地区,现在已经改变了看法,认为它已经可以在任何地方使用了,”Peter Yellowlees医生说.Peter Yellowlees是加州大学戴维斯分校的医疗信息学课程主任,也是美国远程医疗协会董事会成员.“以前你只能凑合着用低质量的产品,要么就得购买昂贵的系统.现在你花100美元买只网络摄像头就能进行高质量的视频会议了.”这项技术尤其受到眼科、精神科和皮肤科等面临医师短缺的科室的欢迎.在Kaiser Permanente,皮肤科医生“坐在旧金山的一间房子里”为整个北加利福尼亚的病人开展诊疗,Yellowlees医生说.“这比起建20间医院,每个医院放一个皮肤科医生效率要高得多.”对于Nantucket这个距离大陆的最近点还有30英里的小岛而言,“远程医疗有很大的优势,”Nantucket Cottage医院首席执行官Margot Hartmann说,“这让我们能更好地完成医院的使命,因为我们能提供更多本地化服务,”同时还能省去病人不少金钱和时间,因为他们不再需要乘飞机或渡船离开小岛,再驱车前往Cape Code或波士顿的医院去看病了.
类似问题5:英语翻译Something moved me:But I didn't wanna take any chances ,so that our feelings for one another will not be damaged on any circumstances ,So that I can be your boyfriend,hopefully husband,one day in the near-future .(Before u leave)[英语科目]