用英文介绍王薇薇 (Vera Wang)单词不要太难

编辑: admin           2017-03-03         

    Vera Wang - was born in Manhattan N.Y.in 1949.It is so fit that the famous designer of Overseas Chinese called her is the QUEE of wedding dress.Vera Wang never made mistakes and show her creation well at the annual academy awards.Her design stars a revolution of wedding dress in fashion field.A suit of Vera Wang wedding dresses is like Six claw ring of Tiffany.A piece of Vera Wang wedding dresses is worth at least a branded car.Nevertheless it is still popular.


    类似问题1:vera wang 英文版介绍[英语科目]

    Vera Wang (Chinese:王薇薇; pinyin:Wáng Wēiwei; born June 27,1949) is a fashion designer based in New York,NY,USA.She is known for her wedding gown collection among other specialties.

    Wang is a Chinese-American who was raised in an affluent family and attended The Chapin School as well as the Sorbonne in Paris.She graduated from Sarah Lawrence College with a degree in art history.Her mother often took her to fashion shows in Paris.Her father started and owned a chemical company.Her paternal grandfather was a military general in China.Her maternal grandfather was a warlord in China.

    As a girl,Wang trained as a figure skater,and competed at the 1968 U.S.Figure Skating Championships.When she failed to make the US Olympic team,she turned to her other passion,fashion.

    Wang was a senior fashion editor for Vogue magazine for sixteen years.In 1985,she left Vogue and joined Ralph Lauren as a design director for two years.In 1990,she opened her own design salon in the Carlyle Hotel in New York which featured her trademark bridal gowns.She has designed costumes for figure skaters,including Nancy Kerrigan and Michelle Kwan.Silver medalist Nancy Kerrigan wore a unique design of Vera's for the 1994 Olympics.Wang also has made wedding gowns for Mariah Carey,Jennifer Lopez,Thalia,Jessica Simpson,Avril Lavigne,Victoria Beckham,Jennifer Garner,Sharon Stone,Uma Thurman,Holly Hunter and Karenna Gore,among others.A dress she designed for Buffy the Vampire Slayer appeared in the episode "The Prom." Sarah Michelle Gellar,the actress who played Buffy,also had Wang design her actual wedding dress for her marriage to Freddie Prinze Jr..

    Wang has expanded her brand name through her fragrance,jewelry,eyeware,shoe and houseware collections.She also penned the book Vera Wang on Weddings which was released by Harper Collins in October,2001.In June 2005,she won the CFDA (Council of the Fashion Designers of America) Womenswear Designer of the Year.On May 27,2006,Wang was awarded the André Leon Talley Lifetime Achievement Award from the Savannah College of Art and Design.

    Vera Wang appeared as a guest judge in the third season of Project Runway.

    In 2002,Vera Wang began to move in the world of home fashion.Vera Wang China and Crystal offers superb styles and patterns that are durable for daily usage.All with her individualistic touch and design sensibilities.Her collection has produced three of the top ten best-selling patterns at bridal registries across the United States after only six months at the stores.View Vera Wang China.

    On August 24,2006 clothing chain Kohl's announced that it would carry clothing and handbags designed by Wang.The brand,"Very Vera by Vera Wang",a premium fashion and lifestyle brand,will be in stores Fall 2007.The collection will be available in Kohl's department stores as well as kohls.com,and will include sportswear,intimate apparel,jewelry,footwear,handbags and other accessories,and linens."The Very Vera by Vera Wang brand will retain my personal design sensibility of a relaxed effortless approach to fashion," Vera Wang states."I am thrilled to create a collection of creative lifestyle and apparel products for Kohl's.This new partnership with Kohl's,a company with incredible integrity and trust in the marketplace,is a true honor."

    Wang currently lives in New York City with her husband,Arthur Becker,and their two daughters,Josephine,born in 1993,and Cecilia,born in 1990,who both currently attend The Chapin School.Both her daughters are adopted.Arthur is the CEO of an information technology services company called Navisite.They have a weekend home in Pound Ridge,NY,where her brother owns the Pound Ridge Golf Club.

    类似问题2:Vera Wang 王薇薇 我想到知道这个外文的词语怎么念.到底是英语还是别国的语言啊.找了半天不会读.纠结



    类似问题3:英语翻译“未婚的女人想要一套Vera Wang,离婚的女人想念那套Vera Wang,再婚的女人庆幸自己可以再拥有一件Vera Wang”

    原文标题《Tips for Best Christmas Gifts》


    Here is what Chanel said:"My reason for choosing diamond is that,dense as they are,they represent the greatest worth in the smallest volume.In today's society,rings don't represent your state of matrimony.It is a decoration popular among the young people.Tiffany jewelry can be your first choice.

    It can be a watch,which means time.Send her a Rolex watch,means that I meet you in the best time of my life and we can be together forever.Isn't it romantic for you to stay with her every second?

    It can be a pair of shoes.One of the heroines in the movie "Sex and the City" says that a pair of perfect high heel shoes will bring the prince to you.So,to a woman,a pair of nice UGG boots is both romantic and practical.

    It can be a wedding gown.A spinster wants Vera Wang,a divorced woman misses Vera Wang,and a remarried woman congratulates herself because she can have another Vera Wang.No women can resist the charm of this top brand.It also conveys women's expectation for love and marriage.

    这段是你要的:它(礼物)可以是一件结婚礼服.未婚的女人想要一套Vera Wang,离婚的女人想念那套Vera Wang,再婚的女人庆幸自己可以再拥有一件Vera Wang.没有哪个女人可以抵挡这个超级名牌的致命诱惑.它也反映了女人对爱和婚姻的期待.

    It can be a handbag.A woman's handbag stands for her real taste and dream.Give her a classical handbag.Her pride can be fully satisfied in front of her girlfriends.She can also flaunt it in her office or in the party.

    Have you decided which to choose for your girlfriend on this Christmas?Don't hesitate any more.Buy her a luxury.No matter what it is,put your heart in it.I'm sure this will be an unforgivable Christmas Day.

    类似问题4:Vera Wang是干什么的

      Vera Wang,中文名:王薇薇,著名华裔设计师

      若称王薇薇 (Vera Wang) 是婚纱女王,一点也不为过.在每年的奥斯卡金像奖星光大道上,王薇薇 (Vera Wang) 就像是永不会出错、绝不会让女星得到“最差劲服装奖”的品质保证.王薇薇 (Vera Wang) 的婚纱设计引起了时尚界的一场婚纱革命,一套王薇薇 (Vera Wang) 婚纱,就如同一颗 Tiffany 的六爪钻戒一样,象征着神圣珍贵的爱情承诺.一件王薇薇 (Vera Wang) 婚纱的价格足够买下一辆名车,但照样让人趋之若鹜.

      面对着现在年收入两千万美元的好业绩,王薇薇 (Vera Wang) 一定会感慨世事难料.王薇薇 (Vera Wang) 当初设计的第一套婚纱是为自己准备的,因为她在结婚的时候,却不幸地发现竟然找不到一件合心意的婚纱,不得已之下才自己动手做嫁衣.从此便一发不可收拾.

      王薇薇 (Vera Wang) 1949年6月27日出生于纽约曼哈顿的上东区的富裕的华裔家庭,她的外祖父是旧中国一位军阀,生长在美国. 19岁时,随父母移居时尚之都巴黎.巴黎的经历,彻底改变了王薇薇 (Vera Wang) 的人生轨迹.母亲经常带她去看一些时装表演,使她对服装设计产生了浓厚的兴趣.

      王薇薇 (Vera Wang) 曾是花样滑冰运动员,并参加过全美花样滑冰锦标赛,并登上过1968年1月8号出版的《体育画报》美国版 (Sports Illustrated) .在未能进入美国奥运会代表队以后,王薇薇 (Vera Wang) 才改行进入时尚界;其中,年少时对时装设计的浓厚兴趣使得Vera Wang为美国著名花式溜冰健将克里根和关颖姗设计奥运参赛服.

      王薇薇 (Vera Wang) 从巴黎 Sarah Lawrence College 艺术史专业毕业后,年轻的王薇薇 (Vera Wang) 在《Vogue》法国版杂志找到了一份工作.她从一名实习生开始做起,逐渐了解时尚圈.两年后,工作勤奋的王薇薇 (Vera Wang) 成了一名《Vogue》资深时装编辑,并从此一干就是16年.

      1985年,王薇薇 (Vera Wang) 因为申请《Vogue》主编一职被拒而离开《Vogue》,该职位后来被安娜·温图尔 (Anna Wintour) 获得.在《Vogue》工作了16年的Vera Wang在谈到这段“长征”时,深有感触地说:“它让人感觉到一种永恒.”

      1988年,王薇薇 (Vera Wang) 跳槽到世界著名时装品牌拉夫·劳伦 (Ralph Lauren) 公司,担任服装设计总监.在那里工作了两年后,她预感到是开创自己的事业的时候了.

      1989年,Vera Wang与相识多年的高尔夫球商贝克(Arthur Becker)结婚,婚礼邀请了400多位来自影视、媒体和时尚界的人士.可令人恼火的是,她找遍了美国各大婚纱店,却总也挑不出一件令自己满意的婚纱.她一气之下决定亲自设计,没想到宾客们对她设计的婚纱赞不绝口.从此便一发不可收拾.

      1990年,王薇薇 (Vera Wang) 以家族赞助的400万美元资金,在曼哈顿开设了第一间门店,专门订做高价位新娘婚纱礼服,并以现代、简单、尊贵的设计风格,打破繁复、华丽的传统,逐渐在上流社会打开了知名度.

      王薇薇 (Vera Wang) 的最终出名还是借助每年的奥斯卡颁奖典礼,王薇薇 (Vera Wang) 婚纱是许多女人的梦想,这当中更包括了许多好莱坞明星和上流社会名媛,比如莎朗·斯通、凯特·哈德森、乌玛·瑟曼、桑普拉斯的爱妻威尔逊.珍妮弗·洛佩兹为自己选定的最美的华服,也正是出自王薇薇 (VERA WANG) 之手.国际先驱论坛报的文章说,Vera Wang的时装设计风格在1998年的奥斯卡颁奖典礼中吸引了所有人的眼球,当时上身穿着白色男式棉衬衫,下身穿着一件Vera Wang设计的裙子的影星莎朗.斯通,震撼了所有的观众.正如时装设计者所称赞的那样,Vera Wang的想象力已达到了这场晚会着装的最高点,好莱坞终于有了一个标准的外表.在每年的奥斯卡金像奖星光大道上,穿着Vera Wang的时装就像不会让女星得到“最差着装奖”的品质保证.

      王薇薇 (Vera Wang) 的设计风格极其简洁流畅,丝毫不受潮流左右,使得出现在婚礼上的新娘子们看起来就像是经过精雕细琢的工艺品,惑人的美丽到了丝丝入扣的程度.当年,乌玛·瑟曼结婚的时候肚子已经挺得很大了,她在王薇薇 (Vera Wang) 那里挑了一款带有许多蕾丝花边的纱质传统婚纱,让到场的宾客惊艳不已:原来除了S形,女人的身体还可以有其他的美丽曲线.谈到令人印象最深的一件婚纱,则不得不提辣妹维多莉亚与贝克汉姆1999年举行婚礼时所穿的露胳膊丝质长裙式婚纱,该婚纱价值超过10万美金,华贵非凡.

      虽然每一套王薇薇 (Vera Wang) 礼服都价值不菲,但几乎所有选择它的女人都对设计师王薇薇 (Vera Wang) 本人的一句话深信不疑:“在你的婚礼上,你是能以情色动人的.”

      Vera Wang的新娘礼服如今已经成为全球新娘礼服的代名词,平均一套礼服的价位在6000到12000美元左右,有着年收入两千万美元的好业绩.Vera Wang说:“对一个女人来说,一生中最重要的时刻就是举行婚礼,那是女人梦想的开始.我梦想成为一名杰出的艺术家,让婚纱成为一种艺术品.”媒体评论说,Vera Wang的婚纱风格浪漫富有童话般的色彩,丛林,小溪,明媚阳光,一切可以制造浪漫的事物和场所均是她的创意源泉.Vera的礼服真正称得上是华贵,许多媒体在谈到Vera Wang的婚纱设计时,都称赞她引起了美国时尚界的一场婚纱革命,一套以其名字命名Vera Wang婚纱,就如同一颗Tiffany的六爪钻戒一样,象征着神圣、珍贵的爱情承诺.一件婚纱的造价可以买下一辆名车,但依旧让人趋之若鹜.在2001年秋,Vera推出了价位较低的婚纱礼服系列,让更多的新娘享受到纯朴的优雅.最近,她还开了一家专营伴娘礼服的店.

      2005年,王薇薇 (Vera Wang) 荣获CFDA“女装年度设计师奖”.2005年6月6日,有着“时尚奥斯卡”之称的第24届美国时装设计师协会(CFDA)时尚大奖颁奖典礼在纽约公共图书馆拉开了帷幕.从4月份的提名开始,到6月份的获奖名单公布以及颁奖典礼,450名时装设计师、媒体、服装零售商和时尚专家的代表终于松了一口气,备受关注的各项时尚大奖终于揭晓:时尚大奖的重头戏,女装设计师大奖在著名设计师马克·雅克布斯(Marc Jacobs)、拉夫·鲁奇(Ralph Rucci)以及Vera Wang之间产生.最终,华裔设计师Vera Wang摘走了这项女装设计师的最高荣誉.

      如今,Vera正忙着扩张她的王国,并把她的现代风格应用于经典优雅的几个传统产品系列.在2001年秋,她出版了《婚礼上的Vera Wang》( Vera Wang on Weddings (HarperCollins)).这本全面的婚礼指南涉及70多个主题,当然,其中包括如何选择裙子.在2002年3月,她推出了一场晚装和婚纱礼服用鞋的发布会.紧接着又推出了Vera Wang牌香水,香水设计的灵感来自于为了捕捉婚礼难忘和动人时刻而设计的香氛,在2003年更荣获香水奥斯卡Fifi Award年度最佳女香的殊荣.Vera的配饰——手提袋,披肩,围巾和大披肩——现在只在她Madison大街的旗舰店有售.她计划在一两年后推广到其它地方.Vera也把她的简约主义和现代风格应用于家居用品.今天秋季,在得到美国的韦奇伍德装饰陶瓷(WedgwoodUSA)合作许可经营牌照之后,她开办了Vera Wang瓷器公司,生产和销售水晶器皿和水晶礼品.包括一整套餐具,高脚酒杯,酒具和礼品,并且全部在德国生产.

    类似问题5:“王”字英文怎么写?是WONG还是WANG?RT 一定要准确哦~还有就是在美国如果没有英文名,中文名字写的时候是把姓放在前面还是名放在前面?,,


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