
编辑: admin           2017-03-03         

    First,Ti Jianzai skills:

    "If the axis knee,waist such as cotton,Zongshen ape,was the Yan."

    Explained:Ti Jianzai when the body to relax muscles,the body's natural swing,jump,it should ape-like as dexterous; landing should be like swallows as lightweight,can we Jianzaitihao.

    Second,the guidance elements Ti Jianzai action:

    1,the choice of flat ground,to avoid interference from the wind,the air to flow to the lungs can absorb large numbers of fresh air.

    2.Every action,kicking first air exercises,aimed at training students鐔熺粌搴?nd body movements of the sense of balance.

    3.Kick start with one leg,kicking one leg End of the basic moves and then practice coherent action,to about foot interactive exercises,to promote the balanced development of the body.

    4,when two Tijian Zai Jian Zi to watch,do not just look at the action right foot or not,to the neglect of the master Jianzai fall point in time.

    5,when Jianzai out of control,as far as possible,using feet to shoot,really no alternative to using hand catch,not to fall,this could be the continued training of Jianzi and fluency,and to train students in the endurance and flexibility footwork .

    6,leaping in midair Ti Jianzai body,pay attention to when the fall,before the feet first,to maintain the brisk pace,and avoid an ankle injury.

    7,with the exception of special tricks transform action,no Jianzai Tifa to be straight on Teluk.

    A Hongsheng,so the two tied around 3; a blessing,it is so for guitar from.

    In the modern reinforced concrete jungle,people express blessing of a more modern way:a telephone,hair-E-MAIL,Gifts & T,gifts of flowers,and so on,so that the pursuit of simplicity simple style,stresses the efficiency of modern people seem to forget that Some traditional things.Thus,when the end of the shopping malls,covered with Chinese knot art,people can not help but found that it contained a hand-knit long Guyun art,is an "alternative" blessing for the modern "coffee life," adding that the tea aroma .


    Traditional things we are not afraid of the scrutiny.Therefore,do not have to research,Chinese knot art retrospective of origin must also from time immemorial in the end justice Chronicle began.

    It is said that Chinese knot known as a long-guitar,as a decorative arts began in the Tang and Song Dynasties era,to the Ming and Qing Dynasties,people start to the junction named,for it gives a more rich connotations.For example:FANG Sheng FANG Sheng statement that the peace; wishful statement on behalf of Jixiangruyi; Beas Kat Hing guitar is more than the initials and so on,a guitar arts reached its peak at that time."TAC Longfeng wire guitar,Lou Cai weaving Yunxia,an inch of concentric palygorskite,the Millennium spent a long life." In the words of ancient poets,guitar art has come to "weave Yunxia" of the state,reflected the success of its.


    Perhaps the coffee Heduo I feel dull,perhaps busy for a long time to want to have precipitation and accumulation.About in the early 1990s,modern man was a nostalgic thoughts traction with the start of the traditional arts of natural search - guitar was uncovered.

    However,modern art is no longer a simple statement of tradition,it into a more modern interpretation of life,into a modern ingenuity.People pay more attention to the end of modern decorative arts that will Wooden,pictures and other art techniques and guitar combine to make today's people more willing to accept.

    Chinese knot art at large pendant,small pendant,because of their different meanings,which is also linked to different locations.Before more people linked to the wall at home or on the door,there are more people to the guitar has become a kind of art was Jushi.,


    How long is the history of mankind,the end of the traditional arts are long.

    Therefore,one should never underestimate Sisheng so,it changes Duozhao Ne!

    In shopping malls,the reporter saw a guitar art of weaving her and saw a red Sisheng in the hands of the shuttle,a short while,a small guitar safely completed.She told reporters:Guitar Arts is Wan,a guitar,clothing,around,inside,for,pumping a variety of techniques,such as recycling and orderly change out of its greatest feature is that every one is using a guitar from start to finish Sisheng completed,but the shape is finished from top to bottom around the symmetry.

    In the end the two major categories - arts auspicious guitar and accessories guitar,guitar auspicious commonly used in ancient times the temple and the monks of Jiasha Zhang Man,because people think it Bixiexiaozai,Fengxionghuaji and named; Lifestyle guitar for many people wear,such as bracelets,belts and so on.People under the basic guitar-shaped,Italian name,and other auspicious motifs accessories that mix,to weave all sorts of guitar art jewelry.Generally speaking,to end the Arts Sisheng 100-centimetre-long,4-6 millimeters thick.


    Quietly,China's blown up.

    Thus,the street,we often see a popular Chinese girls dressed in traditional clothing:Pankou exquisite,brocade texture,the look of a people under vaguely goods to the ancient and mysterious Orient Lingxiu,a reverie.

    Thus,China's Xie Zhao wind,we see that the dissemination of traditional Chinese knot aromatic Arts is perhaps precipitation for too long,her antique,people can not help but fascinated.

    "China," the origin of the word,can be traced back a long long time ago dynasty - Shang Dynasty.Because of the Shang Dynasty countries in the East,South,West,North璇镐警parties,so people said that this piece of land as "China",that is,living in the middle of the kingdom,it is also political,economic center.

    In ancient times,"China" not as an official of the name,because then the dynasty or political power,only the country,and no country name.They said the "China" refers to geographical and cultural concepts.

    True to the "China" referred to as the official name,is from a very famous revolution in modern times - after the Revolution of 1911,the establishment of the Republic of China began.From that time on,"China" to become the official name of national significance.Today,the "China" is the Chinese people of all ethnic groups composed of both countries,the full name of the "People's Republic of China."

    Chinese knot "all referred to as" traditional Chinese decorative statement."It is a unique hand-knit Chinese Arts & Crafts,has a long history." Chinese knot "the origin can be traced back to ancient times,the then Shengjie is not only in daily life The necessary appliances,also has the important function of recorded history,which in the minds of people is very sacred.Long before people began to use the Jomon decorative objects,Shengjie into the aesthetic content.In addition to artifacts The decoration,Shengjie was also used in people's clothing,Baldric,so Shengjie Chinese classical costumes is also an important part.

    Tang and Song Dynasties period (Year 7 to the 13th century) is the Chinese culture and arts development in an important period.During this period China's guitar was used in apparel and large decorative objects,the emergence of a clear trend.To the Ming and Qing Dynasties (AD 1368 to 1911),"Chinese knot" reached its peak of the development stage,in many daily necessities,unable to see the beautiful flowers decorated guitar.Many of its style,color elegant,clever name,it is Mubuxiajie,heartfelt praise.

    "Chinese knot" the process is very complex and time-consuming.Each basic guitar are compiled from a rope from start to finish,and in accordance with the guitar named for its shape.Then the final statement to be different from the basic composition of inter-supported accessories,have become rich in cultural heritage,said a blessing,the magnificent form of exquisite handicrafts.

    A long history and culture of precipitation so long,"Chinese knot" contains a unique cultural essence of the Chinese nation.It is not only the United States in the form of Qiao and the structure of the show,is a natural spirituality and an expression of the humanistic spirit.Therefore,the traditional "Chinese knot" of the inheritance and development is very meaningful.



    Chinese knot,each knot is from start to finish with a knot made from silk,every node and in accordance with its basic form,naming Italy.To a different node decorated with each other together,or other accessories with auspicious patterns mix,regarding the formation of a Chinese knot.It is the mathematical mystery of the game show.The complex has a graceful curve,but it can be reduced to the simple 2-D lines.It shows him with the wisdom of the Qing Zhi is the ancient Chinese civilization in one aspect.


    类似问题2:中国结的编法中国结佩链我不会编,请心灵手巧的大哥哥、大姐姐帮帮我!我要给家人编,我的邮箱是940711559@qq.com ,我要编的不是手链!是这个样的!请你们教我编这个样的中国结.






      中国人相当久以前便学会了打结.而且『结』也一直在中国人的生活中占了举足轻重的地位,结之所以具有这样的重要性,主要的原因之一也是因为它是一种非常实用的技术.这可以从许多史料和传统习俗中见出端倪:最早的纪录,在旧石器时代末期,也就是周口店山顶洞人文化的遗迹中,便发现有『骨针』的存在.既然有针,那时便也 一定有了绳线,故由此推断,当时简单的结绳和缝纫技术应已具雏形.

      到了清代,绳结发展至非常高妙的水准,式样既多,名称也巧,简直就把这种优美的装饰品当成艺术品一般来 讲究.在曹雪芹著的红楼第三十五回「白玉钏亲尝莲叶羹,黄金莺巧结梅花络」中,有一段描述宝玉与莺儿商 谈编结络子(络子就是结子的应用之一)的对白,就说明了当时结子的用途,饰物与结子颜巴的调配,以及结子的式样名称等等的问题.结子之为用在当时可大了,比方亲友间喜庆相赠的如意 ,件件都缀有错综复杂、变化多端的结子及流苏.日常 所见的轿子、窗廉、帐钩、扇坠、笛箫、香袋、发簪、 项坠子、眼镜袋、烟袋以及书画挂轴下方的风镇等等日 用物品上,也都编有美观的装饰结子,有时候这些结子 还另具吉祥的含意.

      民国以来,由于西方观念如科学技术大量输入,使我国原有的社会形态和生活方式产生重大的改变,再加上对于许多固有的文化遗产并未善加保存和传扬,以致许多实用价值不高,而制作费时费事的传统文化和技艺便告逐渐式微,甚至在不断朝现代化蜕变的社会中湮没.中国传统的编结技艺就是一个最好例子.编结艺术式微的 另一个原因是它所采用的材料,不管是用动物纤维或用 植物搓成的绳线,都受到先天条件的限制,终究经不起 经年累月的各种物理和化学侵蚀,而无法长久流传于后世,现在所能找到的附属于器物上的绳结,最古老的也只是清代遗物.









      8.盘长结:基本形状就如佛教八宝之一的盘长,盘长是象征回环贯彻,是万物的本源,是最重要的基 中国结样式



      10.平结:平结是以一线或一物为轴,将另一线的两端绕轴穿梭而成,平结用途很广,可用来连接粗细相同的线绳,也可 编制手镯,挂链等饰物.


    Chinese Knot or Chinese traditional decorating Knot is a kind of characteristic folk decorations of handicraft art.Appeared in ancient time,developed in Tang and Song Dynasty (960-1229A.D.)and popularized in Ming and Qing Dynasty (1368-1911A.D.) Chinese Knot has now become a kind of elegant and colorful arts and crafts from its original practical use.

    The characteristic of Chinese Knot is that every knot is made of a single rope and named by its specific form and meaning.By combining different knots or other auspicious adornments(吉祥的装饰品) skillfully,an unique auspicious ornament which represents beauty,idea and wishes is formed.For example,"Full of joy"."Happiness & Longevity","Double Happiness"."Luck and Auspiciousness as one wishes" and "Wish you a fair wind" are Chinese traditional pleasant phrases expressing warmest regards,best wishes and finest ideal.

    To fit in with the needs of modern life,Chinese Knot has various products.The two main series are auspicious hanging and knitting clothing adornment.Auspicious hanging includes large tapestry,big room hanging,automobile hanging etc.Knitting clothing adornment includes ring,eardrop,hand chain,necklace and other woman's special adornments.

    Today,people are fond of Chinese Knot for its characteristic form,colorfulness and profound meaning.


    The candidature logo features a stylized traditional Chinese handicraft pattern known as the "knot of one heart" or "Chinese folk knot',using the typical colors of the five Olympic rings.The design depicts a dynamic human figure in a stance that portrays someone doing "Taiji" or shadow boxing.The simple gesture lines symbolize the graceful,harmonious and dynamic movements that connote the unity of,cooperation among,exchange between and development for the peoples all over the world.

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