编辑: admin 2017-03-03
来点儿科学的解释:All cultures do have music and it taps into lots of things that our brains come prepared with, like a love of novelty and familiarity. Music has really cool ways of delivering both. There’s a steady drumbeat that makes the brain happy and that it can anticipate, and then you have novelty when you change the melody or lyrics.Both predictability and novelty [release] dopamine [a brain chemical associated with pleasure and desire]. It’s seemingly contradictory but music packs it all in.所有的文化都有音乐并且它令我们的大脑更丰富,所有人都喜欢新奇而又熟悉的事务.音乐两者皆有.稳定的节奏使大脑产生愉悦,改变旋律或歌词时有能给你带来新奇感.可预见性和新奇感能促使人体释放多巴胺(一种和愉悦与欲望相关的化学物质).音乐同时包含这看似矛盾的两者