...的篮球明星姚明。 姓名:姚明生日:1980年1
编辑: admin 2017-01-03
Dear Ihrvid,
Thank you for your last letter. I am glad to introduce Yao Miny, my favorite Jursketball
star to you.
Do you konw Yao Ming, the famous Chinese basketball player? He is playing basketball
in the United States for NBA. He was bom on December 9th, 1980 in China. He is venr tall,
about 2.26 meters. He likes playing basketball. In 1998, he became a member of China Baskecball
Scar Team.Then in 2000, he joined the NzUional Basketball Team. And in 2002, he went to the
United States, and became the most valuable player in NBA.
I hope my introduction can be useful and helpful to you.
Best wishes.