
编辑: admin           2017-01-03         

    firstly,we must prepare some polished gtutinous rice,which is the major material in making the gtutinous rice.we dip the polished gtutinous rice into water for a while.secondly,we take a bamboo or the reed leave in hands,then put the polished gtutinous rice in it and put some soy sauce in the rice.after that,fold the leave into a cone,and bind it tightly.at last,put the gtutinous rice into a pot with boiled water.when they are cooked,we could eat them.



    粽子:firstly,we must prepare some polished gtutinous rice,which is the major material in making the gtutinous rice.we dip the polished gtutinous rice into water for a while.secondly,we take a bamboo or the reed leave in hands,then put the polished gtutinous rice in it and put some soy sauce in the rice.after that,fold the leave into a cone,and bind it tightly.at last,put the gtutinous rice into a pot with boiled water.when they are cooked,we could eat them.


    How to Make Dumplings-怎样包饺子

    Chinese boiled dumplings are not only delicious to eat but also easy to make.

    First,make the filling.You can choose your favorite meat,say pork,beef,or mutton,chop it up and mix it with chopped yellow scallions or cabbage.Meanwhile you had better put in seasonings such as salt,soy sauce,pepper,sesame oil,chopped green onion and ginger to get your favorite flavor.Stir the ingredients in a container well to make them evenly mixed.

    Second,make the dough.You should measure your wheat flour to go with the filling,put it in a container,pour water hit by bit,stir it strenuously to make it sticky,then let it rest for about 20 minutes.After that you can cut part of the dough and put it on pastry hoard,knead it and cut it into small pieces.You press each piece with the pahn of your hand slightly and then roll it with a rolling pin into a round piece.

    Finally comes the stage of folding the dough to make dumplings.You should hold a dough piece horizontally in your left hand,put a suitable amount of filling onto the central part,fold the side around the filling,press the upper-central part of it firmly and make firm and nice lace from left to right around the fold edge to make your finished product better-looking and free from leakage.

    The Chinese make dumplings when family or friends are together on holidays.You just imagine the heartening talk and intimate atmosphere created while people are sitting together to make dumplings!




    How to make Chinese Zongzi?



    同意wzh868,应为“ zongzi” .正如“虾饺”--粤语音hagao已传遍世界一样.饺子也应为“jiaozi”而不是Dumpling,原来我也以为Dumpling是饺子,后来发现Dumpling更像是薄皮的菜包子.相信随着对外交往的增多,英语也会吸收更多的zongzi和jiaozi等.但目前如不加说明恐怕老外不知“ zongzi” 是什么.


    rice dumpling


    都不对,对于我们中国的传统食物,最好的方法是按照拼音来翻译,美国的Mcdonald在中国翻译成"麦当劳",也是这样的,因此粽子译成"Zong Zi",其它的例如筷子不用"chopsticks"而是"kuai zi"...你还可以依此类推,我学翻译的第一年就是学的这个,这个经过很多老外和专家的认证,尽可以采纳.如果你要给粽子下个定义或者解释给外国人听就可以用一楼或是二楼的解释,专有名词还是要考究一点好.这也是对我们中国文化的一个肯定和尊重

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