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    分离派是英国清教中最激进的一派,由于受英国国教的残酷迫害,1608年8月离开英国到荷兰.其中一部分教徒决定迁居北美,并与弗吉尼亚公司签订移民合同.1620年9月16日,在牧师布莱斯特率领下乘五月花号前往北美.全船乘客102名,其中,分离派教徒35名,余为工匠 、渔民、贫苦农民及14名契约奴.11月21日,到达科德角(今马萨诸塞州普罗文斯敦),于圣诞节后第一天在普利茅斯地方上岸.在登陆前,即11月21日由分离派领袖在船舱内主持制定一个共同遵守的《五月花号公约》,有41名自由的成年男子在上面签字.其内容为:组织公民团体;拟定公正的法律、法令、规章和条例.此公约奠定了新英格兰诸州自治政府的基础








    清教徒(a Puritan )

    自16世纪上半叶开始的宗教改革运动席卷了整个欧洲大地,德国的马丁·路德、法国的加尔文成为改教后基督教新教的领袖.在当时的英国,由于英国国教的专横,宗教改革姗姗来迟,但英国教徒们还是受到了来自加尔文教义的影响.1524年,英国人丁道尔(William Tyndale)把新约圣经翻译成英文,他可以说是英国的第一位清教徒.早期清教徒希望完全按照圣经的原则生活,顺服圣经的教导可说是他们的首要任务.如丁道尔的目标就是让英国每位识字的人都拥有一本圣经.历史上,将在英国的新教徒,那些信奉加尔文教义、不满英国国教教义的人称为清教徒.而由于英国的宗教迫害,大部分清教徒都逃亡到了美国,所以人们说起清教徒,一般指的就是美国的清教徒.



    在清教徒的理解中,职业就是一件被冥冥之中的神所召唤、所使唤、所命令、所安排的任务,而完成这个任务,既是每个个体天赋的职责和义务,也是感谢神的恩召的举动.如上帝曾召唤亚伯拉罕作虔诚且 富有的君王,他凭着信心最后成就了召唤,成为富甲万国、繁衍众多的君王.现在,上帝也召唤清教徒开拓北美的疆土,把在美国国度上的创业视为天职.


    他们也肯定了营利活动,认为人是上帝财富的托管人,作为托管人,有天职将财富增值.正像一位名叫普勒斯顿(John Preston) 的清教徒领袖在他的著作中所写:“若有人问如何能晓得神在他身上的旨意,我的答案很简单:只要看看神赐给他的产业便成.”





    清教徒是一种称呼 为了区别与天主教徒 清教徒主张纯净国教 取消繁杂的天主仪式 这有利于资产阶级早期资本的原始积累



    The Puritans were a group of people who grew discontent in the Church of England and worked towards religious,moral and societal reforms.The writings and ideas of John Calvin,a leader in the Reformation,gave rise to Protestantism and were pivotal to the Christian revolt.They contended that The Church of England had become a product of political struggles and man-made doctrines.The Puritans were one branch of dissenters who decided that the Church of England was beyond reform.Escaping persecution from church leadership and the King,they came to America.

    The Puritans believed that the Bible was God's true law,and that it provided a plan for living.The established church of the day described access to God as monastic and possible only within the confines of "church authority".Puritans stripped away the traditional trappings and formalities of Christianity which had been slowly building throughout the previous 1500 years.Theirs was an attempt to "purify" the church and their own lives.

    What many of us remember about the Puritans is reflective of the modern definition of the term and not of the historical account.Point one,they were not a small group of people.In England many of their persuasion sat in Parliament.So great was the struggle that England's Civil War pitted the Puritans against the Crown Forces.Though the Puritans won the fight with Oliver Cromwell's leadership,their victory was short-lived; hence their displacement to America.Point two,the witchcraft trials did not appropriately define their methods of living for the 100+ years that they formed successful communities.What it did show was the danger that their self-imposed isolation had put them in.

    Most of the Puritans settled in the New England area.As they immigrated and formed individual colonies,their numbers rose from 17,800 in 1640 to 106,000 in 1700.Religious exclusiveness was the foremost principle of their society.The spiritual beliefs that they held were strong.This strength held over to include community laws and customs.Since God was at the forefront of their minds,He was to motivate all of their actions.This premise worked both for them and against them.

    The common unity strengthened the community.In a foreign land surrounded with the hardships of pioneer life,their spiritual bond made them sympathetic to each other's needs.Their overall survival techniques permeated the colonies and on the whole made them more successful in several areas beyond that of the colonies established to their south.

    Each church congregation was to be individually responsible to God,as was each person.The New Testament was their model and their devotion so great that it permeated their entire society.People of opposing theological views were asked to leave the community or to be converted.

    Their interpretation of scriptures was a harsh one.They emphasized a redemptive piety.In principle,they emphasized conversion and not repression.Conversion was a rejection of the "worldliness" of society and a strict adherence to Biblical principles.While repression was not encouraged in principle,it was evident in their actions.God could forgive anything,but man could forgive only by seeing a change in behavior.Actions spoke louder than words,so actions had to be constantly controlled.

    The doctrine of predestination kept all Puritans constantly working to do good in this life to be chosen for the next eternal one.God had already chosen who would be in heaven or hell,and each believer had no way of knowing which group they were in.Those who were wealthy were obviously blessed by God and were in good standing with Him.The Protestant work ethic was the belief that hard work was an honor to God which would lead to a prosperous reward.Any deviations from the normal way of Puritan life met with strict disapproval and discipline.Since the church elders were also political leaders,any church infraction was also a social one.There was no margin for error.

    The devil was behind every evil deed.Constant watch needed to be kept in order to stay away from his clutches.Words of hell fire and brimstone flowed from the mouths of eloquent ministers as they warned of the persuasiveness of the devil's power.The sermons of Jonathan Edwards,a Puritan minister,show that delivery of these sermons became an art form.They were elegant,well formed,exegetical renditions of scriptures...with a healthy dose of fear woven throughout the fabric of the literary construction.Grammar children were quizzed on the material at school and at home.This constant subjection of the probability of an unseen danger led to a scandal of epidemic proportions.

    In 1688,four young girls accused a laundry woman of "bewitching" them.What could have been stopped progressed into a community tragedy.The young women enjoyed the attention this story afforded them,but no doubt were afraid that their lies would be found out.In an effort to further punctuate their story,they lapsed into prolonged convulsions.Those who were "possessed by the devil" were forced to make confessions of their evil liaisons in order to protect their families and properties from harm .Those who denounced witchcraft (thereby calling the witnesses liars) were then accused themselves.In the frenzy to follow,by 1690 two hundred persons were in jail,fifty in prison and twenty executed (along with 2 dogs).Cotton Mather,a leader of the group,quietly led the way in bringing this crisis to an end.The devotion they held in maintaining a religious society in isolation fueled the fire of the witchcraft scandal.

    Great pains were taken to warn their members and especially their children of the dangers of the world.Religiously motivated,they were exceptional in their time for their interest in the education of their children.Reading of the Bible was necessary to living a pious life.The education of the next generation was important to further "purify" the church and perfect social living.

    Three English diversions were banned in their New England colonies; drama,religious music and erotic poetry.The first and last of these led to immorality.Music in worship created a "dreamy" state which was not conducive in listening to God.Since the people were not spending their time idly indulged in trivialities,they were left with two godly diversions.

    The Bible stimulated their corporate intellect by promoting discussions of literature.Greek classics of Cicero,Virgil,Terence and Ovid were taught,as well as poetry and Latin verse.They were encouraged to create their own poetry,always religious in content.

    For the first time in history,free schooling was offered for all children.Puritans formed the first formal school in 1635,called the Roxbury Latin School.Four years later,the first American College was established; Harvard in Cambridge.Children aged 6-8 attended a "Dame school" where the teacher,who was usually a widow,taught reading."Ciphering" (math) and writing were low on the academic agenda.

    In 1638,the first printing press arrived.By 1700,Boston became the second largest publishing center of the English Empire.The Puritans were the first to write books for children,and to discuss the difficulties in communicating with them.At a time when other Americans were physically blazing trails through the forests,the Puritans efforts in areas of study were advancing our country intellectually.

    Religion provided a stimulus and prelude for scientific thought.Of those Americans who were admitted into the scientific "Royal Society of London," the vast majority were New England Puritans.

    The large number of people who ascribed to the lifestyle of the Puritans did much to firmly establish a presence on American soil.Bound together,they established a community that maintained a healthy economy,established a school system,and focused an efficient eye on political concerns.The moral character of England and America were shaped in part by the words and actions of this strong group of Christian believers called the Puritans.




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