编辑: admin 2017-26-03
类似问题1: 日程表用英语怎么说名人用英语怎么说
日程表 schedule
名人 celebrity
类似问题2: 写成英文日程表[英语科目]
7th June /Mon Go to Tokyo
Flight 17:05-10:25pm Check in Hilton hotel
8th June/Tue Lunch with Mr.Lee,topic:R&D of Product
9th June/Wed 10:00 Meeting with Mr.White
10th June /Thu 9:00am meeting preparation
14:00 Business meeting
11st June/Fri visit Toyota
15:00 flight back to HK
类似问题3: 【用英文写日程安排是2008暑假的某一天朋友到家来写一个日程安排】百度作业帮[英语科目]
*Day 1
8:00 a welcome with a cup of tea
intruduction between my friend and my family
8:30 having a look of my home
showing him my collections(if you have any)
9:30 chatting with him
watching TV together
having some fruit
11:45 a meal cooked by me
13:00 having fun piaying (video games or anyting else)/singing/drawing
14:30 having an afternoon tea
15:15 walking around my block
talking and enjoying the view
16:00 a dinner in a nearby restaurant(if you feel like,you can make it by yourself or with your friend)
17:30 enjoying a film we like both
20:40 have a cup of tea
time to say good bye
*Day 2(As you need.but I won't make the plan anymore for you!I'm deadly exhausted!)
类似问题4: 【英语~日程安排如果今天是2008年暑假的某有天,请为你的朋友做一个日程安排.】百度作业帮[英语科目]
1.visit the Olympic City and visit the Summer Palace
2.see the Olympic Games
3.walk on the street and have something to eat
4.swim in the hotel's swimming pool
5.eat a big dinner
6.see night piece in beijing
7.watch TV
8.go to sleep
类似问题5: 【我想运动想学英语,谁能帮我安排个日程表?我每天早上大概7点半起床,然后洗漱再去吃早饭然后到教室上课,八点半上课,晚上只有周一有课,晚上我会去上自习,看很多书籍,我们的课也很多,晚上】百度作业帮
自修学英语 平时无时无刻脑海“练习”英语
我比较推荐1晚上运动 2早上运动要有很强的企图心
·1就寝前操场搞定再洗个澡去汗 然后舒服的待床上看会英语 最后有困意就美美的睡到天亮
·2我比较喜欢黑夜运动 所以都会在黎明前一小时起床 然后咬个口香糖听着MP3去运动 回来冲个澡再记英语效果很好 然后再睡20分钟 起床GOGOGO