编辑: admin 2017-26-03
Hi!do you still remeber me,the little girl who've given you a Chinese painting?So sorry,I must add you in my new msn again,for I can't use the old one.I forgot my password.
Hello! Remember give you Chinese painting the little girl? I'm terribly sorry, that day to your MSN account I forget passwords, now apply for new! I have with you!
类似问题1: 英语翻译我想表达的意思就是,别人学中文要一点一点翻译,我学英文也是一点一点翻译,所以我说:别人学中文,我和说英语一样.我翻译的:isthesamewithiusingEnglish是这样说么?[英语科目]
as bad as my English
类似问题2: 英语翻译请帮我翻译成英文~能为自己喜欢又擅长的职业奋斗是件幸福的事情口语化一点就可以了[英语科目]
Also good for their favorite pieces of well-being of professional struggle is a matter
类似问题3: 英语翻译哈哈,你喜欢那幅画我真是太高兴啦!那幅画在中国非常有名,叫《清明上河图》.图中画的是中国北宋时候的一个城市,主要描绘了两岸的繁华景象和自然风光.我非常喜欢你们的演奏,我[英语科目]
haha, I'm pleased that you like that picture ! The painting is very famous in China, which called "qingming riverside scene". The painting is about a city in Northern song dynasty of China , which mainly describes the prosperous scene and natural scenery in both riversides. I really like your instrumental performance. I've been practicing the piano when I was young, so I like classical music very much. Are you usually very busy doing performance here and there? By the way, did you receive the card I sent to you?
类似问题4: 【英语翻译Ijustwantedtoletyouknow.Igottasaywhat`sinmymindsomethingaboutus.Istoplongingforyourwarmembrance.AnditwasGodthatmademeable.Tofinallysleepatnight.SeerightwhenIstartlettinggo.YoualwaystoldmeIshould】百度作业帮[英语科目]
ps.楼主文章没有给完= =
类似问题5: 【英语翻译我叫XXX,来自XX,是一名大专生.有良好的沟通和协调能力,责任心强,有一定的逻辑分析能力及处理问题的能力.曾在XX部门做过半年,之后在XX部门做过两年多技术活,现在打算往XX管理部门】百度作业帮[英语科目]
I'm XXX,I come from XX,I am a assosiate student.I have the ability of good communication and coordination,good responsibility,and I have the abilities of logic analysis and deal with questions.I have once worked in XX department for half a year,then worked in XX department as a technician for more two years,now I am planning to develope in XX Management Department.