...—“adidas is all in”Part
编辑: admin 2017-26-03
In March 18th, 2011, the biggest party which is called "Adidas is all in Party" will be hosted by Adidas, the International Sports Equipment Company, at the Happy Harbor in Shanghai. This party is f...
类似问题1: 英语翻译徐家汇的地理位置对于服装店来说相当的好,徐家汇每天客流量都超过上万人次.而且徐家汇在上海是属于中高档水平的消费中心和娱乐中心,所以从市场定为来说很适合XX.[英语科目]
Xujiahui’s location would be fairly good for clothes stores, given the fact that its daily traffic of visitors exceeding ten thousands and being regarded as a center of both high level consumption and entertainment in ShangHai. So, from the perspective of market positioning, it would be suitable for xx
类似问题2: 英语翻译有一段中文摘要急需要翻译成英文
类似问题3: 英语翻译客户端PC机通过局域网与监控服务器进行连接,两者之间控制信息与视频数据信息采用TCP/IP传输协议进行通信,从而实现客户端对服务器端的控制和监控视频图像的传输.ClientPCisconnect
Client PC is connected with monitor server through local area network (LAN),and they use TCP/IP transport protocols to communicate with each other for the controlling information and video data information in order to realize the client's control of server and transmission of the monitored video images.
The software in the server is based on the embedded Linux operation system by which we have designed and developed application program of monitor server and network communication program between client and server.Our system is small and stable,perfect in the real-time and can connect the Internet directly.
类似问题4: 英语翻译(材料是多少克无纺布?印刷工艺是覆膜还是丝印?有设计稿吗?)有谁能翻译成英文么,回复客户需要,[英语科目]
How many grams of non-woven cloth is this material?
Is the printing process a covered one or a silk one?
Do you have a design-draft?
类似问题5: 英语翻译在模具仓库与机器之间的通道上有一个吸料管道造成的障碍由于没有参照物在每次运输时为了安全都不得不把模具吊得很高此装置用磁铁吸附在模具最低点利用墙上的参照物可以[英语科目]
In the mold of the channel between the warehouse and the machine has a suction pipe impediments,since there is no reference,for each transport safety have had to die hanging very high,this device is used magnets lowest point in the mold,reference can make use of the mold wall rises to the desired height,to improve efficiency and reduce energy consumption,limited due to the materials used,At a distance of 10 meters from the reference is generated within the error of 5 cm,but after several tests and improved to ensure safe use.
On March 18th, 2011 (2011年3月18日), the global sports trend leader Adidas (全球运动潮流品牌阿迪达斯) organized the largest fashion trend party in its history at the Happiness Harbor of Shanghai 在上海幸福码头举办了其史上最大的潮流派对 —— "adidas is all in”Party. At the scene, numerous famous celebrities were present including spokesmen and image ambassadors of Adidas: (活动现场众星云集、星光熠熠,包括阿迪达斯代言人及形象大使) 陈奕迅、Angelababy、李冰冰、陈冠希、李玮峰 (这个你可以用他们的英文名或者拼音,随你咯), and various other well known celebrities, all of which celebrated the party with numerous "trendy" participants.(众多知名艺人与体育明星都悉数到场,与众多时尚“潮”人共同喝彩.)