编辑: admin 2017-26-03
principal 中学校长(美)
headmaster 中学校长(英)
master 小学校长 (美)
dean of studies 教务长
dean of students 教导主任
dean of students 教导主任
teacher 教师
probation teacher 代课教师
tutor 家庭教师
governess 女家庭教师
intelligence quotient 智商
pass 及格
fail 不及格
marks 分数
grades 分数
scores 分数
examination 考试
grade 年级
class 班级
monitor 班长
vice-monitor 副班长
commissary in charge of studies 学习委员
commissary in charge of entertainment 文娱委员
commissary in charge of sports 体育委员
commissary in charge of physical labor 劳动委员
Party branch secretary 党支部书记
League branch secretary 团支部书记
commissary in charge of organization 组织委员
commissary in charge of publicity 宣传委员
Publicity members
类似问题1: 英语翻译常务理事翻译为英文[英语科目]
Standing director
Executive member of the council
类似问题2: 【心理委员英文翻译怎么说?】百度作业帮[英语科目]
psychological commissioner
In 2005 the School of Engineering & Technology at China University of Geosciences(Beijing) began the pilot of setting a psychological commissioner for each class.
类似问题3: 【劳动委员英文翻译】百度作业帮[英语科目]
principal 中学校长(美)
headmaster 中学校长(英)
master 小学校长 (美)
dean of studies 教务长
dean of students 教导主任
dean of students 教导主任
teacher 教师
probation teacher 代课教师
tutor 家庭教师
governess 女家庭教师
intelligence quotient 智商
pass 及格
fail 不及格
marks 分数
grades 分数
scores 分数
examination 考试
grade 年级
class 班级
monitor 班长
vice-monitor 副班长
commissary in charge of studies 学习委员
commissary in charge of entertainment 文娱委员
commissary in charge of sports 体育委员
commissary in charge of physical labor 劳动委员
Party branch secretary 党支部书记
League branch secretary 团支部书记
commissary in charge of organization 组织委员
commissary in charge of publicity 宣传委员
类似问题4: 英语翻译想要不生锈的剪刀?找我们林氏!能否翻译的有意境一点的?Wantarustlesskitchenscissor?Findus!Lin'sfactory!(这是我翻译的,BOSS说要再有意境一点的TAT)[英语科目]
Lin’s Scissor,your wise option against rust!
Lin’s Scissor,Say “Goodbye” to Rust!
Lin’s Scissor请根据你们的实际翻译来处理,我不清楚你们是翻译成以上那样,还是Mr.Lin’s Scissor
类似问题5: 英语翻译貌似是个动词词组.[英语科目]
1.propagate; propagandize; give publicity to; publicize; advertise; do (or conduct) propaganda 2.propaganda; advertisement